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    The arrival of 4 ships loaded with rice and wheat to support the ration card vocabulary

    Admin Assist
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    The arrival of 4 ships loaded with rice and wheat to support the ration card vocabulary Empty The arrival of 4 ships loaded with rice and wheat to support the ration card vocabulary

    Post by Rocky Sun 07 Oct 2018, 3:06 am

    The arrival of 4 ships loaded with rice and wheat to support the ration card vocabulary
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    BAGHDAD / The Ministry of Commerce announced on Sunday the arrival of four ships loaded with Australian wheat and rice to the southern ports, to support the ration card items and strengthen the warehouses of the provinces to meet the requirements of the coming months.
    A spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce, Mohammad Hanoun, in a statement received "the eye of Iraq News," that "four ships loaded with Australian wheat and rice, arrived at the southern ports to support the ration card items."
    He pointed out that "the vessels contain a quantity of 100 thousand tons distributed by 50 thousand tons of rice and 50 thousand tons of Australian wheat, which are among the contracts made by the ministry earlier."
    Hanoun added that "the coming days will witness the arrival of more ships to the southern ports loaded with wheat and rice as a result of contracts conducted by the Ministry of Commerce to secure the basic items of food approved by the country's budget for 2018, which adopted materials sugar, oil, rice and wheat."
    He pointed out that "the ministry contracted with the originators and national companies to secure sugar and edible oil in large quantities. The General Company for Food Trade succeeded in achieving good completion rates beyond the outline within the general budget and financial statements."
    "The ministry companies also succeeded in securing foodstuffs in the provinces of Nineveh, Anbar and Salah al-Din, where the word processing plan began this month in contact with the past months without interruption."
    He stressed that "the financial allocations to the ration card is the important axis in the signing of contracts processing food, where this ministry can not sign any contract, whether local or foreign unless there is a financial cover to support these contracts and makes it easy to address the shortage of basic vocabulary according to plans Set "

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