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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    change is "shocked" after four remarks were made on the government of Abdul Mahdi The change was "

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     change is "shocked" after four remarks were made on the government of Abdul Mahdi  The change was " Empty change is "shocked" after four remarks were made on the government of Abdul Mahdi The change was "

    Post by Rocky Fri 26 Oct 2018, 1:49 am

    change is "shocked" after four remarks were made on the government of Abdul Mahdi
    The change was "shocked" after four remarks were made on the government of Abdul Mahdi

     Twilight News    
     one hour ago

    The deputy of the bloc of change Hoshyar Abdullah, the existence of remarks about the new cabinet cab in Baghdad, the most important formation according to the principle of quotas as its predecessors and the monopoly of ministries by a few parties, and the absence of representation of women and the presence of people from the regime of Saddam Hussein and hover around them suspicions of corruption. 
    "While we congratulate Mr. Abdul Mahdi on the formation of his cabinet, even if it is incomplete, and we reiterate our support for him and his government program, hoping to succeed in implementing his promises, we would like to point out some of the objections and observations on this cab, In terms of adoption of the principle of quotas, and there is a clear monopoly by a group of the main parties of the ministries, especially some Kurdish parties, which presented itself as the sole representative of the Kurdish component, and this is one of the most important concerns on the ministerial cabin.
    "We also were shocked by the fact that there is no woman in the ministerial cabin. This is a shameful thing for the new Iraq, in which we are trying hard to have a role for women, either by nominating them on the electoral lists and giving them the opportunity to gain the confidence of voters or through quota. Giving Iraqi women their entitlement ". 
    "There is unofficial information about the presence of people in the cabinet cabin voted on, although they have links to the former regime and are covered with accountability and justice and hover around them suspicions of corruption, and it is very necessary that Mr. Abdul Mahdi to carry out his promises to hold any minister hiding any information in his biography" .
    As for the government program, Abdullah said, "priority should be given to the issue of oil smuggling in the Kurdistan Region and resolving the problem of salaries of regional staff in coordination with the region, and solve the problems of Basra province and reconstruction of Mosul and areas affected by the aggression Daashi, and if Mr. Abdul Mahdi, Implementation of the bulk of his government program. " 
    Adel Abdul-Mahdi was sworn in as prime minister on Wednesday evening, after a heated parliamentary session dominated by disputes between parties and blocs over appointments in the new cabinet cabinet. 
    In addition to Abdul Mahdi, 14 of the 22 ministers won parliamentary confidence, amid disagreements over sovereign ministries such as defense and interior. 
    According to the leaked list of ministers, Faleh al-Fayyad, interior minister and pilot pilot Faisal al-Jarba, were due to vote as defense minister.
    According to Iraqi MPs, the objection to Jarba came as a result of his work as a special pilot for former regime president Saddam Hussein, said MP Alia Nassif. 
    The leaks that the most likely candidate for the post of defense minister is former Iraqi army officer Hashim Darraji, close to former Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi. 
    Fayyad has been objected to by some political forces for many reasons, the most important of which is his accusation of "failure" in the administration of the National Security Adviser, which he occupied for the period from 2014 to 2018. 
    Besides the Interior and Defense also emerged the Ministry of Justice, faced the candidate and named Asma Salem Sadiq, Of the objections. 
    The first objections came from the fact that she was the sister of the popular leader in the popular crowd, Ryan Chaldean, who leads the Christian Babylonian battalions, and also because she did not have enough experience to fill this position as a woman only 35 years old.
    The Iraqi parliament is due to meet again on November 6 to complete the cabinet vote. 
    Observers believe that the most difficult obstacle may be in the selection of ministers of interior and defense, and succeed Abdel-Mahdi resort to their departments acting until the consensus on the new names. 
    This is not the first time that this option has been used, since the Iraqi parliament has been doing so ever since the formation of the first permanent elected Iraqi government in 2006. 
    That year, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki served as Acting Minister of the Interior, while his deputy Salam al-Zobaie served as Minister of Defense Acting. 
    In 2010 it was decided that al-Maliki will also be responsible for the ministries of security and agency until the nomination of ministers, and the ministries of trade, electricity, women, municipalities and planning were handed over to the Agency until the nomination of candidates.
    In 2014, Prime Minister Haidar Abadi took the same step when he presented a ministerial cabin free of candidates for the Ministry of Defense, Interior, Water Resources, Tourism, Antiquities, Migration and Displacement, all of which were also run by proxy.


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