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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Allawi's policy : What is happening in Syria and Yemen will move to Iraq and wait for the Cold War

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Allawi's policy : What is happening in Syria and Yemen will move to Iraq and wait for the Cold War  Empty Allawi's policy : What is happening in Syria and Yemen will move to Iraq and wait for the Cold War

    Post by Rocky Fri 01 Mar 2019, 1:42 am

    Allawi's policy : What is happening in Syria and Yemen will move to Iraq and wait for the Cold War and Jilin for terrorism[/size]
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     6 minutes ago

    The head of the National Coalition Iyad Allawi, warned of the exposure of Iraq to similar events as in Yemen and Syria. 
    Allawi said in a speech at the first annual Erbil Forum, that the international situation is no longer as it was, with signs of a cold war, what happens in Syria, Yemen and Libya will move to other areas, including Iraq. 
    He added that the situation in the region encourages the embrace of terrorism and not the fight against it. After Al-Qaeda and Al-Qaeda, the third and fourth generation will also come because a supporter is not over yet. 
    In the Iraqi issue, Allawi stressed that the political process, for example, does not represent all the Iraqi people. Iraq suffers from several serious situations, including the lack of national unity. 
    He said that the Iraqi government is unable to cope with external interference, with a crisis of contention in Iraq between international and regional forces, Iraq has become a hotbed of regional and international forces that wander as it pleases.
    Allawi thanked the Kurdistan Region for embracing the displaced, and stressed that "the Kurdistan Region as a leadership and people embraced us and supported us when we opposed the regime of Saddam."

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