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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


I can be reached by phone or text 8am-7pm cst 972-768-9772 or, once joining the board I can be reached by a (PM) Private Message.

Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Urgent: Bolton: We are very concerned about Kassem Soleimani's use of Shiite fighters in Iraq to att

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    Urgent: Bolton: We are very concerned about Kassem Soleimani's use of Shiite fighters in Iraq to att Empty Urgent: Bolton: We are very concerned about Kassem Soleimani's use of Shiite fighters in Iraq to att

    Post by Rocky Wed 29 May 2019, 1:53 am

    Urgent: Bolton: We are very concerned about Kassem Soleimani's use of Shiite fighters in Iraq to attack us

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    Bolton: We are deeply concerned about Qasem Soleimani's use of Shiite fighters in [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] attack us

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    Urgent: Bolton: We are very concerned about Kassem Soleimani's use of Shiite fighters in Iraq to att Empty Urgent: Bolton: We will hold the Quds Force responsible if there are attacks

    Post by Rocky Wed 29 May 2019, 1:54 am

    Urgent: Bolton: We will hold the Quds Force responsible if there are attacks

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    Bolton: We will hold the Qods Force responsible if there are attacks

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    Urgent: Bolton: We are very concerned about Kassem Soleimani's use of Shiite fighters in Iraq to att Empty Urgent: John Bolton: Iran is almost certainly behind the attack on ships off the coast of the UAE

    Post by Rocky Wed 29 May 2019, 1:57 am

    Urgent: John Bolton: Iran is almost certainly behind the attack on ships off the coast of the UAE

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    John Bolton: Iran is almost certainly behind the attack on ships off the coast of the UAE

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    Urgent: Bolton: We are very concerned about Kassem Soleimani's use of Shiite fighters in Iraq to att Empty America is concerned that Soleimani used militias in Iraq to attack its troops

    Post by Rocky Wed 29 May 2019, 2:33 am

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    America is concerned that Soleimani used militias in Iraq to attack its troops

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    2019-05-29 08:02:44

    US National Security Adviser John Bolton on Wednesday expressed his country's concern over the use of Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander Qassem Soleimani in the use of Iraqi militias to target US forces.
    "We are concerned that Qassem Soleimani and the Revolutionary Guard of militias in Iraq have been used to attack our forces as an indirect method," Bolton said in remarks today.
    "We will hold the Quds Force responsible for any attacks," he said, adding that "we are consulting with our allies in the region to respond to the activities of Iran and its agents in the Gulf."

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    Urgent: Bolton: We are very concerned about Kassem Soleimani's use of Shiite fighters in Iraq to att Empty Bolton arrives in UAE to discuss regional security issues

    Post by Rocky Wed 29 May 2019, 2:39 am

    Bolton arrives in UAE to discuss regional security issues

    By [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] one hour ago

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    US National Security Advisor, John Bolton

    URGENT - 

    US national security adviser John Bolton arrived in the UAE on Tuesday evening to discuss regional security crises. 

    "I just landed in the UAE and I look forward to meeting with our allies tomorrow (Wednesday) to discuss important regional security issues," Bolton said in a tweet on Twitter. 

    The Gulf region is experiencing growing tension between the United States and Iran, against the backdrop of Washington's sanctions against Tehran and accusations of the latter trying to destabilize the region. 

    Against this backdrop, the United States of America sent the Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier, along with a number of warships and rocket batteries, to the Gulf waters.

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    Urgent: Bolton: We are very concerned about Kassem Soleimani's use of Shiite fighters in Iraq to att Empty Re: Urgent: Bolton: We are very concerned about Kassem Soleimani's use of Shiite fighters in Iraq to att

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