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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Allawi warns protesters not to drag Iraq into the "abyss"

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Allawi warns protesters not to drag Iraq into the "abyss" Empty Allawi warns protesters not to drag Iraq into the "abyss"

    Post by Rocky Mon 03 Feb 2020, 1:47 am

    Allawi warns protesters not to drag Iraq into the "abyss"

    08:52 - 02/02/2020

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    Information / Baghdad ..
    Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi warned the two demonstrators against the danger of spreading the dispute between them, stating that this step would lead the country to the abyss.
    Allawi said in a statement seen by him / the information: “The demonstrations achieved impressive results by changing the balance of the political system, and after that a group of independent representatives responded to the demands of the demonstrators, so they chose five names of those whose names and pictures were presented in the demonstration squares, and Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi was chosen.”
    He added, "Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi was chosen as a representative of the peaceful demonstrators. The fear of the corrupt from the proposals of Muhammad Allawi to end their corruption pushed them to move to spread the atmosphere of confusion and chaos and disperse the word of the demonstrators, and from this platform I appeal to all dear demonstrators."
    Allawi called on the demonstrators to "withdraw the fuse of conflict and disagreements, because only in the spirit of brotherhood and love can we save our country and rise with it and achieve prosperity, and otherwise we will lose what has been achieved great achievements and will drag our country to the abyss if we abandon the spirit of brotherhood and cooperation and radiated the spirit of discord and conflict between us." Ended / 25

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