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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Trade: a fleet of cars loaded with amber rice will be directed to the region

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Trade: a fleet of cars loaded with amber rice will be directed to the region Empty Trade: a fleet of cars loaded with amber rice will be directed to the region

    Post by Rocky Wed 08 Apr 2020, 6:28 am

    Trade: a fleet of cars loaded with amber rice will be directed to the region

    •  Time: 4/20/2020 13:42:50
    •  Reading: 1,300 times
    • Categories: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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    (Baghdad: Al Furat News) The General Grain Directorate at the Ministry of Commerce announced today, Wednesday, that the amber rice will soon reach the citizens of the Kurdistan Region.
    The director of marketing at the Directorate, Riyad Fawzi, said in a press statement, "There is a plan prepared in advance for grains and their processing in Iraq and the Kurdistan region, before the advent of Corona," adding: "There is continuous communication with the Kurdistan Region, and coordination has been made with their crisis cell in this regard."
    He continued that "the governorates of Erbil, Dohuk and Sulaymaniyah started preparing the first and second quota of flour grains, and received the third quota prepared for the Kurdistan Region in 2020."
    Fawzi pointed out that "there are plans prepared for this purpose, which are within the grain storage available in the ministry's stores, because the federal budget has not been released yet," noting that "a fleet of cars of the Ministry of Commerce will go during the next three days to transfer quantities of local amber rice to a region Kurdistan. "
    He explained that "the Kurdistan region's share of wheat grains is (61,316) tons to be manufactured and turned into flour, while the region consumes (16,599) tons of rice, which is insured for them," explaining that "the company's central marketing committee discusses marketing plans for 2020 from Including the Kurdistan region plan.
    The Director of Marketing at the General Grain Directorate assured "the Kurdistan Region and the whole country that there are abundant grains despite the Corona crisis."
     Ammar Al-Masoudi ended

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