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    Chinese Dragon enters the on-line and disrupt U.S. intelligence in Iraq

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Chinese Dragon enters the on-line and disrupt U.S. intelligence in Iraq Empty Chinese Dragon enters the on-line and disrupt U.S. intelligence in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Tue 08 Jul 2014, 6:39 am

    Chinese Dragon enters the on-line and disrupt U.S. intelligence in Iraq

    BAGHDAD - Iraq Press - July 8: not the Iraqi Ministry of Communications and alone crashes and broadcast and control sites social networking and on her head (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Viper, Watts August), but hackers are Chinese as well as the company revealed "Crawd Strike" security, Tuesday, a group for "hackers" broke the Chinese government computers belonging to American experts in Iraq to coincide with the escalation of fighting in it, attributing it to the concern that China is the largest oil investor in Iraq, on the possible U.S. responses.

    The director of the company Crawd Strike, Dmitry Alberovi_ he was "very confident that the infiltrators hackers belonging to the Chinese government had penetrated computers belonging to American experts involved in Iraq to coincide with the escalation of fighting in it."

    He added that "the Chinese hackers began suddenly in the search for electronic documents for employees in the American research institutes specializing in Iraq, (June 18, 2014), the same day that the armed groups attacked the Baiji oil refinery."

    And that "Iraq is the fifth largest exporter of crude oil to China, which is the largest investor in the oil infrastructure in Iraq, so it is natural to worry about the insurgency and the responses of the U.S. potential." A finished. H

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