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    Member of the Law Coalition: We are waiting for President Barzani's initiative

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    Member of the Law Coalition: We are waiting for President Barzani's initiative Empty Member of the Law Coalition: We are waiting for President Barzani's initiative

    Post by Rocky Thu 16 Jun 2022, 5:28 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]Member of the Law Coalition: We are waiting for President Barzani's initiative[/size]

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    Member of the State of Law, Wael al-Rikabi, confirmed that the coordinating framework is awaiting the initiative of President Massoud Barzani to bring the views closer, expressing the framework's wishes that the Sadrists change their resignation.

    Al-Rikabi said on Wednesday (June 15, 2022) “We have to say that the Sadrist movement is a big and important pillar, whether at the societal level or as a political bloc that has weight and money, being a winning bloc in the elections,” adding that the coordinating framework “was and still believes in the existence, survival and necessity.” The Sadrist movement’s participation in the government, but it respects the decisions of this bloc, and its decision to withdraw is respected, and we wish the movement to reverse the decision to withdraw.”

    There may be attempts to persuade the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, to persuade him to reverse this decision, according to al-Rikabi, who said that “the coordinating framework announced that it respects the decision of the Sadrist movement, and it is proceeding at the same time in forming the government.

    “It is not reasonable for the situation to remain far from forming a government,” al-Rikabi said.

    A member of State of Law expected that there would be a visit to the leader of the Sadrist movement by the coordination framework, explaining, "We are waiting for the initiative that we have heard from President Massoud Barzani that he will launch in order to bring the views closer."

    He pointed out that there are "some leaks that the President of the Republic has an initiative to persuade al-Sadr to change his mind," noting that the framework's meetings are "ongoing with his allies, and with other political blocs."

    On the ability of the coordination framework to reach the two-thirds barrier in the session to choose the president of the republic, Al-Rikabi said: “We have to recognize a very important issue, which is the gathering of 220 deputies in the session in which the president of the republic is chosen,” noting that this large number “was unable to be achieved by the coalition.” The trio when it was able to do so, and therefore the process of gathering 220 deputies needs dialogues, negotiations and meetings.”

    He pointed out that "if the Sadrist movement remains withdrawn, most of its seats will turn into the coordinating framework."

    The member of State of Law expected that “the coordinating framework alone might reach 120 deputies,” noting that these figures “may make the framework to form the government if it approaches the Sovereignty Alliance, and if the Kurds agree and do not go to the opposition with the Sadrist movement, it is possible Then the framework with its other partners can form a government.”

    According to Al-Rikabi, “It is not reasonable for the country to remain in this way,” ruling out the option of “an agreement to form an interim government in order to prepare and set the date for the next elections,” expecting that “rapprochement is the closest to the political reality.”

     A member of State of Law believes that the life of the next government in the absence of the Sadrist movement “depends on the outcome of this government. If the government works to achieve what the Iraqi citizen wants, from the Kurdistan Region to Basra, I think that changes will be in its favour, after 6 months.”

    Al-Rikabi mentioned some of the factors that make the government’s life short, saying: “If it is unable to achieve anything that the citizen desires during the first two months, the government will certainly face difficulties and may reach the Iraqi street, which may be ready to demonstrate against this government, and political support for the Sadrist movement, Even the parties not participating in the elections 70-75% of those who abstained from the elections.”

    He pointed out that Iraq is following “a year after the elections, so if things are completed, I think everyone should join hands. The Kurdish house also bears part of this responsibility in the alliance of sovereignty, and also the Shiite house has become clear, either for the Sadrist movement to change its mind.” his decision or proceed with his resignations.”

    Al-Rikabi said: “We are waiting for a single response towards two things, the clear position of the Sadrist movement as being a large part of the Triple Alliance (Save the Homeland), and after the withdrawal of one of the important parties, we have not heard until this moment a clear position by the Kurdistan Democratic Party, which is a major pillar in the process. political and societal level.

    He continued: "We want to hear their opinion on withdrawing and forming a government away from the Sadrist movement, and this position may help us take important decisions, because we cannot form a government in the absence of the Sadrist movement and the Democratic Party."

    So far, there has been no “presentation of any name for the position of prime minister,” according to Al-Rikabi, who clarified that “the problem is greater than choosing a prime minister personally, and this issue has not been discussed,” stressing that “there is no name proposed at all, even the name of Nuri al-Maliki.”

    On the presidency of the parliament, a member of the state of law said that “the issue of the presidency of parliament should be the choice for the Sunni component according to political custom, and if their opinion is to stay on the same current person, who is Al-Halbousi, we do not have any visions or positions on this issue.”

    There may be personal opinions, criticism, or complaints by independent representatives, according to Al-Rikabi, who added that “whoever submits a case to the Federal Court, this is an opinion of the representative who adopts such positions, but we respect the choices of political custom in the three presidencies, so our position was towards The tripartite alliance stems from this vision.”
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