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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The government excludes approving the 2022 budget and confirms: There is no direction to reduce the

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    The government excludes approving the 2022 budget and confirms: There is no direction to reduce the  Empty The government excludes approving the 2022 budget and confirms: There is no direction to reduce the

    Post by Rocky Thu 04 Aug 2022, 1:55 pm

    [size=33]The government excludes approving the 2022 budget and confirms: There is no direction to reduce the price of the dollar
    AUGUST 4, 2022

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    [url= %D8%AA%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%A8%D8%B9%D8%AF %D8%A5%D9%82%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%B1 %D9%85%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%B2%D9%86%D8%A9 2022 %D9%88%D8%AA%D8%A4%D9%83%D8%AF%3A %D9%84%D8%A7 %D8%AA%D9%88%D8%AC%D9%87 %D9%84%D8%AA%D8%AE%D9%81%D9%8A%D8%B6 %D8%B3%D8%B9%D8%B1][/url]
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    The technical advisor to the Prime Minister, Haitham al-Jubouri, confirmed that there is no government direction to reduce the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar, and while he acknowledged the difficulty of approving the 2022 budget, he made it clear that the installation of contracts and the appointment of health professionals and holders of higher degrees is not linked to its approval.
    Al-Jubouri said, according to the official agency, that "the revenues generated by the rise in oil prices are temporary and cannot be relied upon in drawing up long-term economic plans, as they fall within the ebb and flow at the present time, which depends on global demand and supply."
    He added, "Real stability lies within non-oil revenues, as they are fixed and can be controlled according to internal legislation and have nothing to do with international prices, which represent collection, improving the tax base and what the state obtains from customs, in addition to encouraging investment," noting that "these things can It creates economic stability in the country and an increase in the revenues generated.”
    He pointed out that "oil revenues have actually increased and can be invested in some development projects, but they cannot be relied upon for long."
    On approving the budget law and decreasing the exchange rate, Al-Jubouri stressed that “the federal budget for 2022 is difficult to decide during the current year,” explaining that “the installation of contracts for those who have actual service for two years and the appointment of health and medical professionals for the cadres covered by the medical gradation and the holders of higher degrees are available even if The budget has not been approved.
    He pointed out that "the provision of job grades absolutely is a matter that needs and depends on approving the budget and providing sufficient financial liquidity to provide these degrees."
    He pointed out that "the government does not have any direction to reduce the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar."

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