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    The Iraqi delegation reveals the content of the economic talks with the American side

    Admin Assist
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    The Iraqi delegation reveals the content of the economic talks with the American side Empty The Iraqi delegation reveals the content of the economic talks with the American side

    Post by Rocky Mon 13 Feb 2023, 5:42 am

    [size=30]The Iraqi delegation reveals the content of the economic talks with the American side
    [ltr]2023.02.13 - 14:24[/ltr]
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    Baghdad - Nas  
    The Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Fouad Hussein, expressed optimism about the economic focus of the Iraqi delegation's visit to the United States, saying, "This is the first visit in which the main focus was on the economy, development, and integration."  
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    Hussein said in statements to American media, followed by "NAS" on Monday (February 13, 2023), that "discussions during the visit included Iraq's need to reduce burning gas emissions and diversify electricity sources," adding that "there is a lot of understanding here in Washington about the need to invest in Capturing the flare gas, not only because of the climate and health benefits of controlling these emissions."  
    And he added, "There is a strategic dimension as well. Gas can and should be a source of income for Iraq. We need this surplus gas to supply our power plants that currently depend on Iranian gas. We need to be independent in Iraq. It can complement our gas production." ".  
    Iraq is moving forward in diversifying its sources of electricity, including Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf, but progress has been slower than what Iraq wants. Our technical staff is still working on the price."  
    Hussein admitted that "Iraq's negotiations with Total on an energy deal worth $27 billion were discussed in Washington." He said, "The truth is that the talks in Paris with Total Energy did not reach an agreement, but the door is still open for further negotiations. This came in my meetings here in Washington."  
    Hussein also discussed with US officials the complexities Iraq faces in dealing with US and Western sanctions against Iran and Russia. He met Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Baghdad last week before traveling to Washington.  
    Lavrov appealed to Hussein of some sort of workaround to the sanctions so that Russian companies could be paid. Gazprom and Lukoil have investments worth $10 billion in Iraq.  
    The Iraqi foreign minister stressed that resolving these issues is a work in progress and will be done in coordination with Washington. "US and Western sanctions against Russia and Iran are not just an issue for Iraq," Hussein said.  
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