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    American Inspector Stuart Bond: Medhat al-Mahmoud destroyed the Iraqi judiciary!

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    American Inspector Stuart Bond: Medhat al-Mahmoud destroyed the Iraqi judiciary! Empty American Inspector Stuart Bond: Medhat al-Mahmoud destroyed the Iraqi judiciary!

    Post by Rocky Mon 20 Oct 2014, 4:06 am

    American Inspector Stuart Bond: Medhat al-Mahmoud destroyed the Iraqi judiciary!
    Author: 10/20/2014 1:07 a.m. AM Number of readings: 30 

    Follow-up / ft International Center for Strategic Studies in Washington lecture entitled (stability in Iraq .. lessons in the next chapter), centered on the difficulties experienced by Iraq and the reasons that led to this devastation experienced and how to return Alastqastqrarh. session was moderated correspondent channel 'CB S 'American veteran Bob Schieffer known presenting the program known popularly (Face the Nation), where the open submission by asking guests lecturers both of Inspector American general in Iraq, Stewart Bond Affairs Director of International Security at the center, Dr. Kathleen Henry and great editors in security affairs for the newspaper' The Washington Time 'Mrs. Karen de Jonk about the Iraqi situation and then gave lecturers a variety of reasons for this association are distributed to the American side in addition to the construction wrong for the Iraqi state institutions, including the security institutions and the system of corruption plaguing the existing system, and Takkakh region, which was built on the differences of intellectual and ideological and religious. then allowed the moderator area For many of the invited members of the Congressman and the American government, including the Iraqi ambassador and senior officials and the international press, which was strongly present at this meeting to comment and provide some important questions. , but striking after the lecture asked Inspector American Stewart Bond for perceptions about the role of those responsible for the reconstruction of institutions in Iraq from the American side and the Iraqi answer immediately that corruption exists here in America and in Iraq, but the difference is that we have to spend punished corrupt while we did not find eradicate able to hold them accountable in Iraq. said Bond as an example to Medhat al-Mahmoud Head of the Supreme Judicial Council, stressing that he had a role the largest in what happened in Iraq .mstgharba stay in his current position until now, despite its contribution to the destructive in the process of institution-building, stressing the manner of collusion which was followed by Mahmood and competencies counterfeit associated in dealing with the orders and the wishes of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, which he said was the cause shame any judge respects principles preliminary based upon the judiciary. pointed out how it was Mahmood estimated Being contacts made ​​by the Prime Minister and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Nouri al-Maliki with the Constitution and the laws Mstrsla provisions of judicial proceedings already seen by all political forces and popular, religious and professional during the period of control over the judiciary. He said Inspector George that changing Mahmood is not only necessary for the salvation of Iraq from the experiment failed system Maliki, but very important for the transition of Iraq from Saddam's regime the central raised by Mahmood and Almmeltvin around what can the authorities and the Iraqi state institutions work according to the system of decentralized democracy that respects people's rights and freedoms in accordance with As stipulated in the Iraqi constitution. also reviewed the Inspector George experiment Judge Rahim head of the Iraqi Integrity previously and which he described as one of the most important statesmen whom he met through his work in Iraq, explaining how it was that the judge brave face the challenges of governmental and judicial stood up against the ambitions of saving the state's institutions of Deviation exhibitors attic through all the possibilities personal available to him for support and protection. has also raised a number of attendees who were listening to the comments of the Inspector General are some questions and comments about the role of Al-Mahmoud, the most important as pointed out by one of the international experts who expressed his understanding that the legal and judicial system of the Iraqi passes into a coma so enabled one person is Mahmood that controls the three judicial positions contradictory to his person and commits all of this quantum of legal violations and ethical without being exposed to the accounting professional criminal. across expert surprised at how accepted international institutions and the UN to deal with someone who keeps three judicial functions conflicting constitutionally and legally, such as Mahmood of without asking him how it was to him that?. explained expert that in any country that respects the most basic principles of judicial, they do not accept this situation as it pointed out that a lot of countries, including the United States of America has criminalized and ended the work of a lot of judges to the mere existence of suspicion for personal interest, political or Social them in the case or one of the parties, let alone examining magistrate presiding over three formations task Kalmgma Federal Supreme Court and the Supreme Judicial Council and the Court of Cassation and oversees ordering already on the rest of the formations of the judicial supervision to a public prosecutor and even formations areas of Appeal in addition to the presence of his associates in the Council of Ministers and the Presidency of the Republic and the rest of the State institutions.

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