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    A military source: the American army begins to set up a military base in Kurdistan

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    A military source: the American army begins to set up a military base in Kurdistan Empty A military source: the American army begins to set up a military base in Kurdistan

    Post by Rocky Fri 24 Oct 2014, 4:01 am

    A military source: the American army begins to set up a military base in Kurdistan 

    Agencies - revealed a military source revealed that the American army, will begin to build a base in the area north of the city of silk capital Arbil, Kurdistan At the airport, where the existing military.

    The agency quoted "Basenyoz" Kurdish on Wednesday, the source, who did not reveal his name, saying that "the management of the town Hurair told to evacuate the airport Silk military companies and the equipment in it during the week," stressing that he would be "the construction of an American military base in the framework of Washington's efforts and the coalition countries to fight Daash and countering terrorism in the region. " 

    The source added that "Silk convenient airport location to set up a military base and it is possible to control the movement of insurgents in Iraq and Syria," noting that the American military has already in a war topple Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003, said it used the airport. 

    The United States is leading an international coalition and the Arab world to address Daash which extend its control over vast areas in both Syria and Iraq, and seeks to expand his influence what alarmed neighboring countries. SS

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