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    [solved]Maliki confirms to Russian ambassador need to develop relations between two countries


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    [solved]Maliki confirms to Russian ambassador need to develop relations between two countries Empty [solved]Maliki confirms to Russian ambassador need to develop relations between two countries

    Post by Lobo Fri 23 Oct 2015, 3:24 pm

    Maliki confirms to Russian ambassador need to develop relations between two countries

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    Baghdad – On Thursday, Nuri al-Maliki stressed the need to develop relations between Iraq and Russia, while the Russian ambassador in Baghdad Elijah Anatolyevich Margonov expressed the support of his country to Iraq in rebuilding all its institutions.

    Maliki’s office said in a statement received by “Maliki has received in his official office, today, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Russia to Iraq Elijah Anatolyevich Margonov and discussed with him developments in the political and security situation in Iraq and the region.”

    Maliki stressed “the need to strengthen bilateral relations between the Republic of Iraq and the Russian Federation to serve the higher interests of the two nations, expressing his hope to achieve Iraqi-Russian cooperation in the security and intelligence field.
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