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    France offer to implement projects in Basra Order futures

    Admin Assist
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    France offer to implement projects in Basra Order futures Empty France offer to implement projects in Basra Order futures

    Post by Rocky Tue 16 Feb 2016, 9:35 am

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    Basra Governorate Council meeting and the French consul in south
    France offer to implement projects in Basra Order futures

    Author: AHF, HH, SKM 
    editor: AHF, HH 16/02/2016 16:59Number of Views: 89 

     Long-Presse / Basra
    Basra Governorate Council, announced on Tuesday that France made an offer for the implementation of strategic projects in the province in accordance with the payment on credit system, while stressing that the central government of the city of Basra with 13 billion dollars, the French consul in south affirmed his country's pledge transfer of French technology to Basra.
    The head of the Basra provincial council Sabah Hassan Albzona in an interview with (long-Presse), said that "France made an offer through the French consulate in the south to implement projects in Basra through subsidiaries in accordance with the payment mechanism on credit and those with financial and service-return projects," noting that "projects we have a strategy and is certified by the province and by the Ministry of planning and only she had not financed sums of money. "
    Albzona He added that "the financial crisis makes us invent new ways to finance our projects through payment on credit mechanism or willingness of foreign companies to finance the project as implemented in ways that modern and fast," noting that "local government needs vowed to place his obligations and that because of Basra have estimated financial benefits about $ 13 billion owed by the center. "
    For his part, the French consul in the southern region just Alknzawa said in an interview with (long-Presse), he said that "France expressed willingness implementation of strategic projects at the hands of French companies sober and guaranteed by the French government, including the establishment of bridges and construction of some 751 schools with kindergarten and service projects General in accordance with the payment on credit system. "
    Alknzawa stressed that "France has pledged to transfer technology from the French factories to Basra and experiences with the financing of projects that will be paid its dues by about three to five years to repay the amounts relating to the implementation of projects."
    The management of the province of Basra called, in the February 11, 2016, British companies to work in the service and investment projects in the province, and while suggesting the presence of some 200 investment opportunity for British companies to contribute to it, the British ambassador stressed that the drop in oil prices requires find other economic projects in non-oil in Basra .
    The financial crisis has affected the country's austerity and reduced government spending and the pressure of the opportunity to move towards public projects, making the provinces are considering resorting to payment on credit to complete their projects or to start new projects.

      Current date/time is Wed 05 Feb 2025, 9:55 am