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    Marc Faber Just Accused Central Banks Of Halting The Decline In Global Stock Markets


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    Marc Faber Just Accused Central Banks Of Halting The Decline In Global Stock Markets Empty Marc Faber Just Accused Central Banks Of Halting The Decline In Global Stock Markets

    Post by Lobo Fri 19 Feb 2016, 6:10 pm

    Marc Faber Just Accused Central Banks Of Halting The Decline In Global Stock Markets
    February 19, 2016
    Marc Faber Just Accused Central Banks Of Halting The Decline In Global Stock Markets King-World-News-Marc-Faber-Governments-To-Seize-Peoples-Gold-864x400_c
    On the heels of the recent rally in world stock markets, today legendary Marc Faber spoke with King World News and just accused central banks of halting the decline in global stock markets.
    Marc Faber:  “I believe that stock markets around the world will end the year lower, but it will depend on how much money the central bankers will print.  You don’t know how far these mad professors will go.  They can launch QE4 with $500 billion a month, and in theory they could buy the whole stock market…

    In Volatile Markets, Is Wealth Preservation King?
    In a King World News interview I spoke with the man who predicted the Swiss National Bank would experience staggering losses and that the Fed would also experience massive losses that will destabilize the global financial system! His company is the only one in the world offering a precious metals investment service outside the banking system, with direct ownership and full control by the investor. He has also become legendary for his predictions on QE, historic moves in currencies, and major global events. To find out what he and his company can do to help answer that age old question for you CLICK HERE.
    Marc Faber Just Accused Central Banks Of Halting The Decline In Global Stock Markets GoldSwitzerland-New-Ad-PicSponsored

    Marc Faber continues:  “Some central banks have already bought stocks, like in China and Japan.  This has been the rule rather than the exception. 
    Marc Faber Just Accused Central Banks Of Halting The Decline In Global Stock Markets King-World-News-Marc-Faber-Governments-To-Seize-Peoples-GoldFaber Accuses Central Banks Of Halting Global Stock Market Decline
    And as I look back at the last month, there were times when the market looked like it was really going down and someone mysteriously came in and bought the S&P.

    Nowadays, you have central banks around the world with assets of almost $23 trillion.  $23 trillion!  So what is it for the Bank of China, the Fed, or the ECB, to step in and say: ‘Throw $50 billion in 5 minutes at the market to stabilize it or to push it up.’  They can do that.
    Monetary policies have failed at boosting economic growth rates meaningfully.  We had a very tepid recovery, lack of capital spending, and the recovery has been largely driven by superimposing one debt bubble on another debt bubble.
    Marc Faber Just Accused Central Banks Of Halting The Decline In Global Stock Markets KWN-Pento-III-7122015Global Super-Bubbles
    We had a credit bubble that led to the housing collapse in 2007.  And then we had another credit bubble that is very pronounced, especially with regards to government debt.  And government debt as a percent of the economy everywhere is up substantially.”

    Eric King:  “For people tuning in from around the world, what actions can they take to protect themselves?  What are you doing with your money right now?”
    Marc Faber:  “Well, what would you have done if you were on the Titanic?  Would you have moved from your room and lived for ten days, until the accident happened, in a lifeboat?  It’s very difficult sometimes to do the right thing.

      Current date/time is Wed 05 Feb 2025, 7:57 am