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    Parliament directed an ultimatum for its members absent acknowledges a "code of conduct of Deputies"

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    Parliament directed an ultimatum for its members absent acknowledges a "code of conduct of Deputies" Empty Parliament directed an ultimatum for its members absent acknowledges a "code of conduct of Deputies"

    Post by Rocky Thu 03 Mar 2016, 3:26 am

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    Parliament directed an ultimatum for its members absent acknowledges a "code of conduct of Deputies"

     BAGHDAD / long-Presse 

    While the face of House Speaker Salim al -Jubouri, yesterday, an ultimatum to MPs who stood Gaabathm limit, the House voted, themajority of the Code of Deputies behavior. 
    He said Parliament Speaker Salim al - Jubouri, during the 13th parliamentary session of the second legislative term of the second legislative year: "draw ultimatum to MPs who stood Gaabathm for the last limit and deputies who exhausted their vacations normal and pathological sessions, the need to come to the meetings. " 
    published by the agency (long - Presse), the names of MPs absent from parliamentary sessions since the first session in July 2014 until December 2015. 
    he was Parliament Speaker Salim al vowed, the 18th of the month of February 2016, declaring the deputies names during the current legislative term, while threatened to withdraw membership abusers to "Gaabathm acceptable limit." 
    in a related context, the voice of the House of Representatives, on Wednesday, on the code of Conduct parliament. A parliamentary source said in an interview with (long - Presse), "The House of Representatives voted on a code of conduct of Deputies about what comes out of the behaviors or actions or matters relating to parliamentary convention." The source, who asked not to be named, said : "Voting is a majority." 
    In another context, the voice of the House of Representatives, the membership of MP Hassan Hamid Hassan and MP Media Jamal health. 
    The parliamentarian source itself "The House of Representatives voted during its meeting of the 13th chapter second legislative second legislative year , the membership of the MP for the coalition of state law Hassan Hamid Hassan Sinead health reportedly appeal submitted by a comprehensive Mohammed Hussein. " 
    the source, who asked not to be named, said : " the Council also voted to membership of an MP for theKurdistan Alliance Media Jamal Health Word appeal submitted by the Aga lifted. " 
    on the sidelines of the meeting, threatened Mishan al - Jubouri, MP for Salahuddin province, to" challenge "code of conduct parliamentary resolution voted on by the House of Representatives. And as pointed out that included Entries strict rules up to the dropping membership MP level, counting the decision was "contrary to the Constitution." 
    Jubouri said at a press conference at the parliament building and attended (range Press), "The House ofRepresentatives voted during its meeting held a majority on the Add decision of the code of parliamentary behavior includes strict rules up to the level of membership Attorney to drop , "noting that" there are deputies insisted on legislation that resolution, including the MP Khalid al - Asadi and MP Ala Talabani at the time rejected the MP Hanan al and other lawmakers decision. " 
    Jubouri said that" this decision will not Asktna and I will continue to uncover and expose the corrupt , "and threatened to" appeal the decision on the Code to the Federal Court. " Jubouri said that " the decision iscontrary to the Constitution , which put selectors to drop organic", pointing out that "I am convinced that this decision will be canceled." 
    In another context, the Legal Committee of the Parliamentary confirmed, on Wednesday, the completion of the preparation of the draft of the amnesty law, and revealed the receipt proposals for the formation of acommittee to reconsider some issues involving the sufferings. 
    the ultra - MP Sheikh Ali, a member of the legal Committee , in an interview to the (long - Presse), " thecommittee has completed the draft of the amnesty law, which is still subject to discussion and debate."Sheikh Ali pointed out that the "problem currently lies in the political blocs that poses a new vision every day, including the Alliance of Iraqi forces and the Sadr movement, on the basis that they have detained propose the formation of a committee to re - trial of some of them." 
    He said a member of the Legal Committee that the "proposals received Committee include the formation of a committee to verify the charges against some of the detainees, including the judges of the court that issued the sentences on them as well as two members of the legal Committee and the Commission on human rights and representatives of the government , "noting that" the task of the proposed committee is to reconsider some of the issues that could involve the sufferings of detainees. " 
    explained MP for the National Democratic Movement , that" the proposal does not include re - trials , as some believe, but the formation of a commission of inquiry to look into the possibility of judicial errors during thetrials. " 
    He added that" other justification for the formation of the committee is the secret Palmbr which has proved beyond doubt not sincerity often, as well as charges of malicious and extract confessions from suspects byforce. " 
    for his part, other member legal committee Salim Shawki said, in an interview to the (long - Presse)," thejudicial bodies are similar, and can not take sides , one for the other, as that the judiciary should be independent , "and he expressed fear of" exploiting retrials to circumvent the judiciary which. " 
    According to the National Alliance MP that" the Committee agreed on the principle of returning some of thetrials to ensure the fairness of the judiciary and cut removes all doubt, provided that this is done under theeyes the judiciary and public prosecution and control of the House of Representatives, to the lack of any manipulation. " 
    He acknowledged MP for the province of Basra, that the " confessions of some convicts obtained under duress or as a result of confidential informant who may be maliciously , "adding , " but it instigated the killing of Iraqis participated or easy it is part of the elements of the crime and tried Kalmjerm blood on his hand ,which Iraqi blood. "

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