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    China’s Market News: PBOC Unleased FX Committee for Daily Fixing


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    China’s Market News: PBOC Unleased FX Committee for Daily Fixing Empty China’s Market News: PBOC Unleased FX Committee for Daily Fixing

    Post by Lobo Tue 28 Jun 2016, 2:55 pm

    China’s Market News: PBOC Unleased FX Committee for Daily Fixing

    Tuesday, Jun 28, 2016 12:44 pm -07:00

    by  Renee MuCurrency Analyst 

    This daily digest focuses on market sentiment, new developments in China’s foreign exchange policy, changes in financial market regulations and Chinese-language economic coverage in order to keep DailyFX readers up-to-date on news typically covered only in Chinese-language sources.
    - The PBOC guided the Yuan 1,202 pips stronger against the Pound on June 28th following yesterday’s aggressive move.
    - The Central Bank launched the Chinese FX Committee, a self-disciplined mechanism for daily reference rates.
    - In the first five months of 2016, the revenue of China’s SOEs fell -0.6% compared to a year prior.
    To receive reports from this analyst,sign up for Renee Mu’ distribution list.
    Hexun News: Chinese leading online media of financial news.
    - The PBOC continued to fix the onshore Yuan stronger against the Pound on June 28th on the back of the Brexit decision; the GBP/CNY was moved lower by 1,202 pips to 8.7992. On the other hand, the Central Bank fixed the Yuan 153 pips weaker against the US Dollar to 6.6528, a new low since December 2010. The Central Bank commented on the recent moves in Yuan rates and said that following the Brexit decision, the Yuan has seen depreciation against the US Dollar, but the Yuan maintained relatively stable to a basket of currencies.
    PBOC News: China’s Central Bank
    - The PBOC launched the Chinese FX Committee, a market coordination mechanism on June 27th. According to the Guidelines, the Committee is in charge of setting self-disciplined rules for the Yuan’s daily reference rates, as well as for trading in China’s FX interbank and client markets. The Committee includes representatives of interbank FX market participants and will promote fair-play competition, the orderly operation and healthy development of the FX market. This means that the Central Bank gives market participants more power over the Yuan reference rates.
    The FX Committee is similar to the self-disciplined mechanism on interbank interest rates, which was set up on September 24th, 2013. Introducing self-disciplined mechanisms is considered as major steps that China is making to promote market-driven rates.
    - The Central Bank issued the 2016 Financial Stability Report on June 27th. The regulator emphasized the safety of the equity trading mechanism and said they will remain prudent regarding the ‘T+0’ same-day turnaround model. When China’s A-shares were first introduced in the 1990’s, the Chinese equity market adopted the ‘T+0’ model. However, because of increased speculation, Chinese stocks were halted in trading and then the ‘T+1’ system was implemented in 1995 and has been used ever since.
    In terms of the Chinese Yuan, the Central Bank said that they will continue to promote the currency to be convertible in a broader scope. Also, they will increase QDII and QFII quota over the following periods and may eventually remove the quota restriction.
    China’s Ministry of Finance
    - The revenue and profits of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) continued to drop in May. In the first five months of 2016, the total revenue of all SOEs fell -0.6% to 17.1598 trillion Yuan. Specifically, the SOEs led by the central government dropped -1.7% to 10.3988 trillion yuan while the SOEs led by the local governments rose 1.2% to 6.7610 trillion yuan. In terms of industries, coal, steel and non-ferrous metal sectors lost the most. Transportation, real-estate construction as well as pharmaceutical companies had the largest gains from January to May.
    SAFE News: China’s foreign exchange regulator.
    - The income collected from exporting goods and services increased to 1.2712 trillion yuan ($194.6 billion) in May from 1.2099 trillion yuan ($186.8 billion) in April. Over the same period, the payment for importing overseas goods and services rose to 1.0822 trillion yuan ($1.657 billion) from 1.0538 trillion yuan ($162.7 billion). The net surplus in goods and services increased to 189 billion yuan ($28.9 billion) in May from the 156.1 billion yuan ($24.1 billion) in April.
    Written by Renee Mu, DailyFX Research Team

      Current date/time is Wed 05 Feb 2025, 8:45 am