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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Citizen: The Federal Court's decision to solve the political crisis

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Citizen: The Federal Court's decision to solve the political crisis Empty Citizen: The Federal Court's decision to solve the political crisis

    Post by Rocky Wed 29 Jun 2016, 4:21 am

    [size=30]Citizen: The Federal Court's decision to solve the political crisis[/size]
    29/06/2016 10:39 | Number of Views: 268
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    Press direction - Private /
    He favored a coalition MP Amer Al-Fayez citizen that contributes to the Federal Court decision on the constitutionality of the last two sessions of parliament Cancel resolving the political crisis in the country.
    Fayez In an interview with "direction Press," said the Federal Court decision would resolve the political crisis on the grounds that all parties pledged to respect the court's decision, noting that the front Reform announced that it will meet in parliament as an opposition bloc which is a constitutional, democratic, and is a solution for the parliamentary crisis.
    He added: will sack the ministers who voted for them in parliament April 26 meeting and hope that things go smoothly and democratically.
    This announced the Federal Supreme Court, Tuesday, 06/28/2016, "unconstitutionality" of the parliamentary session on 26 April, the special ministerial amendment.
    According to a judicial source said that "the court declared the parliament session, which was voted through which the new ministerial cabin unconstitutional."
    The official spokesman of the judiciary, Abdul Sattar Bayraktar, said in a statement: "The Federal Supreme Court considered the suit dismissed a lawsuit late minister and postponed consideration until the issuance of the resolution on Bgelsta the House of Representatives in April contested Bdsturithma

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