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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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4 posters

    Finance Committee: billion dollars for the application of the customs tariff system in the country

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    Finance Committee: billion dollars for the application of the customs tariff system in the country Empty Finance Committee: billion dollars for the application of the customs tariff system in the country

    Post by lonelyintexas Sun 14 Jul 2013, 7:53 am

    Finance Committee: billion dollars for the application of the customs tariff system in the country


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    BAGHDAD / JD / .. announced the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives that the cost of the application of the customs tariff program in Iraq cost a billion dollars, according to the Directorate General of Customs under the Ministry of Finance.

    Said committee member Magda Abdel-Latif al-Tamimi told the reporter Agency / JD / that the committee had previously hosted the Director General of the Directorate as well as for side events, where it was stated that there are a lot of problems facing the work of the Directorate, including the lack of stores to save material and lack of Directorate of Tknuluiga modern, as well as the presence of 3 thousand employees in the Directorate small percentage of them know how to work on a computer machine.

    He pointed out that the work of Customs requires that the name and the type of computerized material, Inc. and its entry into Iraq and all this work needs to be skilled staff in the computer.

    It showed that the Director complained of the large cost of the materials coming from abroad and that are harmful to health and a violation of the specification.

    Tamimi alerted it had inquiries on the subject of customs tariffs and the House vote to be applied while the Directorate says it is ready to implement this system, noting that the Director-General has confirmed that the Directorate of Customs need a billion dollars to implement this system in Iraq.

    She a member of the Finance Committee that billion dollars to be easy against a loss of billions of dollars by Iraq in Estrada materials lousy in addition to all neighboring countries operate this system except Iraq, causing him to be a market for all of these countries and thus draining its resources and wastage of public money on the grounds that he pays hard currency and buy poor quality product.

    The Al-Tamimi said that the Iraqi industry and agriculture disrupted by this issue because of the cheap products coming from China, to alarm if we set aside one billion dollars for the application of the customs tariff and solve all the economic problems that plagued Iraq and thou shalt is the winner in the end.

    He was a member of the Committee on the economy and investment Abdul Hussein Rissan Husseini Member of Parliament for the Liberal bloc that the Chairman of the General Authority for Customs in the Ministry of Finance has promised the Commission in one of the previous meetings with her that he will be the completion of a sophisticated system of customs tariff system adapted from the UAE.

    Husseini said in a press statement that this law will be implemented over the next year, also spoke before the committee, adding that he had asked this period to be completed all the requirements for the success of the new system as an electronic system and needs time and customizations.

    He cautioned that the committee did not agree in time on this period, but at the same time not been able to impose its opinion again on the application of this law, on the grounds that the law taking space of time and claims were approved, but the government is voted on postponed and wrote to the House of Representatives proposal to postpone this law to a certain period, leaving the power to determine how long to the Council of Ministers. / End / / 23

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    Interacting Investor
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    Finance Committee: billion dollars for the application of the customs tariff system in the country Empty Re: Finance Committee: billion dollars for the application of the customs tariff system in the country

    Post by mochasmom Sun 14 Jul 2013, 8:03 am

    Understood Investor
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    Finance Committee: billion dollars for the application of the customs tariff system in the country Empty Re: Finance Committee: billion dollars for the application of the customs tariff system in the country

    Post by brian Sun 14 Jul 2013, 9:20 am

    Oh boy--- there's THAT word again......(postpone)
    Understood Investor
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    Finance Committee: billion dollars for the application of the customs tariff system in the country Empty Re: Finance Committee: billion dollars for the application of the customs tariff system in the country

    Post by country70girl Sun 14 Jul 2013, 11:06 am

    Ok, so postpone for short time, like til the reset of the rate.

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    Finance Committee: billion dollars for the application of the customs tariff system in the country Empty Re: Finance Committee: billion dollars for the application of the customs tariff system in the country

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