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    Electricity: Our production reached more than ten thousand megawatts and processing of Baghdad arriv

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    Electricity: Our production reached more than ten thousand megawatts and processing of Baghdad arriv Empty Electricity: Our production reached more than ten thousand megawatts and processing of Baghdad arriv

    Post by Rocky Mon 15 Jul 2013, 12:22 pm

    Electricity: Our production reached more than ten thousand megawatts and processing of Baghdad arrived to "12 hours"

    15/07/2013 13:26

    Range Press / Baghdad
    Revealed the Ministry of Electricity, on Monday, for "forms of art with the Oil Ministry," asserting that the latter suffers from "technical problems, causing reduced production of electric power stations," and confirmed that the production of electricity amounted to more than ten thousand megawatts, and as pointed out that operating hours electric power in Baghdad, up to 12 hours a day, and promised increase Alkahrabakhalal production coming period.

    He said ministry spokesman Musab teacher in an interview to (Presse term), "The production of electricity Currently, the ten thousand and 500 megawatts, while the amount reached loads up to 16 thousand megawatts."
    The teacher continued that "hours of processing in Baghdad is 12 hours a day, and the rest of the provinces total of 12 hours up to 14 or 16 hours, with Maysan equipped to 18 hours and 24 hours of any Kirkuk is not quenched the electric power."

    The spokesman for the Ministry of Electricity to "The ministry will increase the electrical units," noting that "the ministry has introduced 500 MW additional came from the station running things, and the station Musayyib, as we will add the next two weeks and two units of energy up to 500 megawatts."

    The teacher that "the problem of fuel has not yet expired with the Oil Ministry," explaining that "electricity have forms of art with the Oil Ministry, as it suffers from technical problems related to the pumps, as well as the fluctuation of the export process reduces the level of associated natural gas, leading to a halt A number of our electrical units. "

    He said the teacher that "the Ministry of Electricity is still suffering from the problem of fuel, but it is trying to reduce through many gas units currently operating alternative fuel is kerosene oil, which lowers unfortunately our productivity up to 20%, as well as the work of some of the units on the substance of black oil which also reduces our productivity by 50%. "

    The Iraqi Ministry of Electricity announced on Monday (the eighth of July 2013), a new agreement with the Iranian Oil Ministry to import gas for power plants, and confirmed D tubes for gas import about 25 million cubic meters per day, at a cost in excess of $ 300 million, as pointed out that the proportion of D achievement of the tube amounted to 50%.

    Iraq imports electricity from Iran by 400 MW through three lines are Kermanshah line - Diyala and سربيل line of زهاب - Khanaqin line Abadan - Basra, and fed these provinces across the high-voltage electrical lines, as well as 100 MW of the 100 MW and Turkey from Syria.

    Because of years of war and acts of sabotage, which affected the Iraqi oil installations, Iraq was forced to rely on imports to cover the needs of gas oil and gasoline, as it turned into the largest importer of these articles in the region.
    And includes the regional electricity network known as the Arab project to link eight both Syria and Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, Libya and Iraq, and it is hoped to be linkage between these countries in the coming period.

    The Ministry of Electricity, criticized the first Monday of July 2013, "points failed to provide fuel," to stations obstetric, and while confirming the necessity of dependence on potential self-provision of this article, as demanded contracting companies implementing its contracts with the ministry, noting that "invoke" not to stabilize the situation security is "unacceptable."

    It was the advisers in the Council of Ministers, revealed the first Monday of July, 2013, that the end of the electricity crisis in Iraq will be in the first quarter of 2015, and stressed that Iraq will result in the next two years, about 22 thousand megawatts and an increase of 15% from the need, while the expected decrease hours cut Electricity gradually during the coming period.

    The Iraqi Ministry of Electricity announced, (June 14, 2013), achieved an increase in the production of electrical energy "by (6500) MW of production in 2003," and showed that production increased production last year by "(2600) MW", as shown their quest to reach production to "(11) thousand megawatts" instead of ten thousand produced currently, as pointed out that the country "needs to (14200) MW," and revealed that the national system lost during the past few days (1600) MW due to "the scarcity of fuel and low pressure gas and maintenance work. "

    The Ministry of Electricity announced on Thursday (June 13, 2013) to achieve the highest proportion of electricity production several years ago, and confirmed that the production capacity of the electrical system amounted to ten thousand megawatts, and as pointed out that hours of processing citizens' energy and arrived from 15 to 24 hours daily, pointed to the loss of 690 MW due to scarcity of fuel and low gas pressure.

    The Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs Hussain al-Shahristani, reiterated Monday June 3, 2013, confirmed the end of the electrical energy crisis end of the year 2013, as pointed out that the Ministry of Electricity will enter the new service stations in the coming period.

    The Iraqi Ministry of Electricity announced, in April 2013, that the current year will see the end of the energy crisis, and that next summer will be better than its predecessor in terms of processing power.

    And Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, in the first of January 2013, it will ensure the provision of electricity this year, 2013 "on the clock", stressing that Iraq still needs to "expand Taakedath" with international companies in order to provide electrical power, while praised Korean companies work in Iraq, he stressed that the global economic studies put Iraq "among the top ten countries in terms of growth."

    The Ministry of Electricity, in (20 October 2012), that the next term will see the opening of the four power stations in different parts of the country, indicating that it will reach self-sufficiency and dispensing imported energy, while Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs Hussain al-Shahristani that this stations will provide enough energy for citizens and vital installations.

    It has already been confirmed by the Ministry of Electricity, the beginning of February 2012, that the electricity crisis will be resolved dramatically over the next two years, pointing to the completion of the final assessment line (based Tim 400 KV) by which connect electricity system the Iraqi national system of electricity Syria, as a prelude to import energy through Eight connectivity.

    The Electricity Minister Abdul Kareem Aftan Jumaili announced Wednesday, (May 8, 2013), that Iraq "would accept the end of 2014 the import of electricity," explained that the station project Mansuriyya invasive "projects ministerial great," adding that the station will work with a production capacity " (730) megawatts at a cost of 540 million dollars, "while the governor of Diyala province showed Omar Humairi" optimism "near the site of the station from field Mansuriyya gas, calling the oil ministry to" cooperate to the great success of the project. "

    Iraq has suffered a shortage of electricity since the beginning of 1990, and increased hours of rationing electricity after the year 2003, in Baghdad and the provinces, because made a lot of stations, as well as sabotage attacks on facilities over the past years, with increased hours of power cuts for citizens to about twenty hours per day.

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