BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq cost the Parliamentary Legal Committee on Sunday, a sub - committee of its members to prepare a report regards as its legal reserve funds and property belonging to the staff of the former regime . He said "full - Zaidi Committee" member in a press statement today: the formation of a subcommittee mini inside legal Committee comprising three deputies and legal advisors two, to prepare a comprehensive report that a comprehensive project seizure and confiscation of movable and immovable property belonging to the pillars of the former regime . "he pointed , " Zaidi "that" the law and see the topic would be discussed at regular meetings during the current two weeks and the next, because the law is important laws on the agenda of the legal Committee . "He added , " Zaidi "that" to postpone the vote on the law which is not a political dispute , but came to wait for the report of the Subcommittee , which will be presented later on other joint committees in the drafting of the project before its inclusion on the agenda of the vote , "noting that "there are different viewpoints and overlapping views especially by the components of Kirkuk to the existence of tracts of land and wide in the province , some of them attributed its ownership to the former regime, and others pledging its ownership distribution of components . " He continued , "Zaidi" that "statistics on with money and property of the staff of the former regime are the custody of authorities Executive that will work with legal advisers in the House of Representatives to indicate the legal ceiling to dispose of it , "alluding to the existence of the views of Atrqy to the level of disagreement on the categories covered by the seizure and confiscation, to be subjected total , to the accountability and justice measures within the law."