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    Beijing to Pyongyang: Beware of Trump man keeps his promises

    Admin Assist
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    Beijing to Pyongyang: Beware of Trump man keeps his promises Empty Beijing to Pyongyang: Beware of Trump man keeps his promises

    Post by Rocky Wed 12 Apr 2017, 3:44 am

    Beijing to Pyongyang: Beware of Trump man keeps his promises

    Wednesday April 12, 2017 11:22

    News / Baghdad
    Chinese government newspaper warned Wednesday, North Korea from the implementation of any plans to carry out nuclear and missile activities "for security", saying that the United States does not intend to "coexistence" with the possession of Pyongyang 's nuclear weapons, and US President Donald Trump is "ready to fulfill his promises."

    According to the site Sky News, it comes at a time battle group is heading a US Navy towards the Western Pacific, a group described by US President Donald Trump as a "war fleet."
    Trump: If China does not solve the problem of North Korea, we Snhlha
    North Korea threatens to respond in the event of tightening sanctions

    Said Trump, who urged China to do more to rein in its ally poor neighbor, in a tweet, North Korea is " a cause for trouble" and that the United States "will solve the problem" with the help of Beijing or without.

    The newspaper Global Times Chinh wide influence and state-run, said that the Korean peninsula were not close as such "military engagement" since conducted its first nuclear test in 2006.

    The newspaper, run by the People's Daily, the official newspaper of the ruling Communist Party, "the United States is not filled with confidence and vanity only after missile strikes against Al Syria, but Trump is ready to fulfill his promises."

    She continued, "The United States is considering ways to prevent the North from conducting further nuclear tests, it's co-existence with Pyongyang possessing a nuclear weapon, on Pyongyang does not intend to avoid committing mistakes this time."

    The newspaper said, that Beijing would respond strongly to any test North Korean.

    "If the North last provocative action this month, the Chinese society will be prepared to see (the Security Council of the United Nations) to adopt highly restrictive measures unprecedented such as restricting imports of oil to the north."

    China did not use the right of veto against the United Nations sanctions against North Korea, but it has repeatedly called for the return to dialogue to resolve the tension.

    It is expected to organize a military parade in Pyongyang to mark the fifth anniversary of the percent after the birth of the founding father of North Korea, Kim Aelsong found the current leader.
    Often, North Korea celebrates important events of nuclear tests or missile.

      Current date/time is Sat 01 Jun 2024, 11:08 pm