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    Saudi arms deal bears the imprint of Kouchner

    Admin Assist
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    Saudi arms deal bears the imprint of Kouchner Empty Saudi arms deal bears the imprint of Kouchner

    Post by Rocky Sat 20 May 2017, 2:12 am

    Saudi arms deal bears the imprint of Kouchner

    5/20/2017 0:00

    Marc Lander and Eric Schmidt and Matt Obozzo / New York Times
    translation and preparation / Anis al - Saffar
    in the first evening of the month of May received «Gerd Kouchner», smelting President Trump, a high - level Saudi delegation in the hall not far from the White House where he gave a speech that: «the Nnth of our work today. »Kouchner was referring to the arms deal worth more than $ 100 billion , the US administration hopes to be able to be concluded with Saudi Arabia at an appropriate time to be announced during a visit to the Kingdom of Trump imminent. The list included Saudi Arabia purchases aircraft, ships and high - precision guided bombs, and a US official suggested that the Saudis buy a sophisticated radar system designed to shoot down ballistic missiles. Officials say that Kouchner felt that the cost of the system may be high telephoned executives by a large company «Lockheed Martin» manufactured him and asked them to reduce the price as much as possible Vuadth to consider the matter.
    Kouchner 's intervention in the arms deal personally another proof of the willingness of the White House in the era of Trump to give up the usual line in favor of a deal style is unusual. Kouchner also enter opens a window on how the US administration hopes which would change America 's status in the Middle East , and the emphasis on the principle of solid strength and bargaining rather than traditional diplomatic methods.
    It expected Trump administration to portray the deal, amounting to about $ 110 billion and is being delivered over 10 years, as evidence of America 's renewed Gulf security commitment (though former officials say «Barack Obama» he had given approval for many of the weapons covered by the deal).
    US officials also confirm that Kouchner 's role in the deal was part of a broader government effort involving foreign and defense ministries and the National Security Council. It adds officials arms deal is only one element to visit Trump to Saudi Arabia, which will continue for two days crowded work also includes a meeting with King Salman and hold a conference with allies in the Gulf region, and then a broader summit attended by leaders of Muslim countries and a visit to a new center dedicated to the fight against terrorism and extremism conference.
    Trump at the conference will deliver a speech calling for Muslims to unite the positions of extremism in general. Trump is the goal of it, he says White House officials, is to gather the word of America 's allies around a set of common goals , including the commitment to share the security burden in the region.
    The Obama administration has imposed restrictions on the Saudis to provide high - precision munitions for fear used against civilians in Yemen, but Trump administration removed those restrictions. However , the deal «F -35» will not include advanced aircraft in order to avoid provoking Israel 's concern.
    Most analysts and former officials are believed to be visiting Trump to Saudi Arabia successful and it may be the most prominent will be crowned by a visit to four countries in nine days, especially since he will be followed by the tour to attend the summit in Brussels , where he Setsqt many of those present any sign of it reflect his intention on the alliance.

      Current date/time is Thu 06 Jun 2024, 1:46 pm