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    Russia to consolidate its presence on average by 15 military ship

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Russia to consolidate its presence on average by 15 military ship Empty Russia to consolidate its presence on average by 15 military ship

    Post by Rocky Fri 02 Jun 2017, 3:02 am

    Russia to consolidate its presence on average by 15 military ship

    22:40 - 06/01/2017

    It increased the number of active Russian warships in the Mediterranean, near the Syrian coast, to 15 military ship.

    The reinforcement of the Russian naval fleet in the Mediterranean, which was quoted by RIA Novosti about the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian press office, a day after Russia bombing targets for the organization Daesh near the city of Palmyra.

    The leadership of the Russian naval fleet had announced earlier that the permanent operations of the Russian fleet in the Mediterranean group includes about 10 ships and naval vessels, including Alfrqattan "Admiral Gregorovic" and "Admiral Essen" Almzodtan missiles "Caliber" winged.

    Also it joined the group recently submarine "Krasnodar", equipped with missiles "Caliber" too.

    Fly "Caliber" missiles, rockets known as winged, at low altitudes, and the amount of precision injury objectives are not spared more than 3 meters from the target.

    The Russian navy has launched missiles from submarines winged for the first time in November 2015, when the submarine "Rostov" directed blows to the "Daesh" missile sites "Caliber" from Almtost.anthy / 25 White Sea

      Current date/time is Wed 05 Jun 2024, 6:31 pm