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    Media Daesh machine received a painful blow in Iraq and Syria

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    Media Daesh machine received a painful blow in Iraq and Syria Empty Media Daesh machine received a painful blow in Iraq and Syria

    Post by Rocky Tue 13 Jun 2017, 1:33 am

    Media Daesh machine received a painful blow in Iraq and Syria

     translation / Hamed Ahmed

    With the help of his colleagues and assign moved Abu Sahib Almslaoa a leaning on his left leg toward the car bomb black four - wheel drive , which is supposed to detonate minutes after the Iraqi forces in the city of Mosul.
    And then he turned the bomber with a single leg towards the camera Mudallaa last in his own words , urging Muslims in the West who can not come to war zones in Iraq and Syria to carry out attacks within their own countries in which they live.

    He said Almslaoa, who appeared in the fifties of the old white beard and long black skullcap on his head: "I call the name of God to be your swords before sunset dripping with the blood of the infidels, and every drop of blood fall there will relieve pressure on us."
    The film showed a plane picked up the march of the wheel , a quartet of armored swaying in the movement towards a row of wheels parked outside a building in Mosul , Iraqi forces , and after that an explosion was born a huge fireball and a cloud of black smoke.
    And published by the Daesh site in Alsocheal Media in late May, which included the video change in the way sent messages and tone used in it which reflects the pressure faced by the organization , which continues his loss of land in Iraq and Syria, where he used to tapes organized propaganda prior to be self - confident the promise that the state declared the caliphate and remain dilated, but in recent months , and with the shrinking territory controlled by the organization of his propaganda also shrank. Instead of boasting bars earlier and now began to show off the organization urges fighters to resist and not to escape from the battlefield, as well as the quality of the tapes produced had landed as well as after the killing of the most important directors and producers of these propaganda films of the organization.
    Through the tapes organization with professional production taken from several angles with religious songs as background used to instill fear among the people and accompanied by scenes of beheadings and executions and confessions of detainees with the quality of suicide attacks carried out by them, the organization boasts that Muslims from all over the world are flocking to what they called the first succession since the fall of the Ottoman empire a century ago.
    Now the videos of the organization often calls for fighters to remain steadfast and calls for local residents to join the organization after the killing of hundreds of militants Daesh over the past few months.
    Says Omar Abu Laila, an activist Syrian exhibitions resident in Germany , was originally from the people of Deir al - Zour area occupied by the Daesh that "propaganda organization machine has become zero . This refers to their collapse and that the organization falls .. calls to people that organize them are weak indicators".
    The strike got blow to the organization last August when it caused an air strike in Syria , the United States and Russia adopted by the killing of Abu Mohammad al-Adnani , spokesman for the organization known as the great leader of spirited speeches used to boost the morale of the militants.
    In 2014 and after the announcement of the alleged organization in Mosul , to succeed him Aladnana also boasted that the organization will invade Baghdad , as well as the cities of Karbala and Najaf.
    There was another slap in November , when a US air raid in Syria , the killing of Wael al - Fayad , known as Abu Mohammad Furqan , who was responsible for the production of video tapes propaganda with a literal high organization. Criterion was named on one of the main propaganda outlets organization after his death. He was replaced Babu Bashir Almslaoa , who was also killed after a short period.
    In late May , news and received the death of Ryan Meshaal , the founder of the agency deep news of the organization known as KADEK Bara with his daughter in a raid in the international coalition led by the United States and in the town fields of eastern Syria.
    The back of the bar to organize last month entitled "Agip call" in which young people to join calls for organizing Daesh in reference to fill the losses suffered in the ranks of armed men. And another tape entitled "Nohdehm to our way" in which two men , one from Canada and the other from Britain appeared two are carrying out a suicide attack in Mosul. The video also tried to market the organization as a group capable of producing weapons itself , such as RPG launchers, bombs and small wheels march can carry mines.
    Says Hisham al - Hashemi , an expert in the affairs of the organization Daesh the Iraqi government "has produced 158 tape Vidyoya of November , none of them did not like the quality of a professional bar clank bar Alsoarm." Referring to the tape broadcast days of the control of the organization Daesh the city of Mosul before the year 2014.
    He said al - Hashemi "Today , their tapes does it what distinguishes it from the tapes rest of the other armed groups , which calls only to defensive operations and suicide bombings and calls for the militants to the stability of not more than that" . Despite setbacks Daesh in the land battle in Iraq and Syria , it was quickly adopted in the recent external attacks in Britain, Iran and elsewhere. The agency published deep propaganda tape for 24 seconds it shows apparently one of the gunmen during the attack inside the Iranian parliament. It continues to shut down social networking accounts created by the propaganda machine Daesh on the Internet, but the organization was able to work other accounts recently sites.
    In one of the text messages that have been recently circulating in the social communication network of the organization urged to follow the regulation not to publish the title in order to link the group to close not taken, and came in . "We are now exposed to a fierce campaign."
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