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    Babylon calls for its water quota and warns of the dryness of its territory

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    Babylon calls for its water quota and warns of the dryness of its territory Empty Babylon calls for its water quota and warns of the dryness of its territory

    Post by Rocky Mon 31 Jul 2017, 2:49 am

    Babylon calls for its water quota and warns of the dryness of its territory

     Babylon / Iqbal Mohammed

    The Council of the province of Babylon, the measures to address the scarcity of water in areas of the Nile table, which is witnessing angry demonstrations because of the death of agricultural land due to lack of water, adding that the lifting of excesses on water tables by some farmers will contribute to the equitable distribution of citizens.

    The head of the provincial council of Babil, Dr. Raad Hamza Jubouri said in an interview with the newspaper "range", that the provincial council discussed during its regular session the subject of the water crisis in the province and the demonstrations of the people of the table Babel.
    "The council discussed the water situation in Babylon in general and in the table of Babel and the residents on the banks of the table, a demonstration to demand the provision of water for them and lifting the lining of the table Babylon, which they say is the reason for the lack of water for them."
    Al-Jubouri stressed that the water crisis in the table of Babylon should be solved because it is related to the most important detail of life is water, declaring that "an extraordinary session of the Council and the presence of a number of people in the region and the Director of water resources to develop solutions to the problem of water scarcity in the table of Babylon."
    The Governor of Babel Sadiq Mdulul Al-Sultani said in an interview with "Al-Mada" that "the Council of the province of Babylon discussed the problem of water scarcity in the province, especially the table Babel, whose population has been suffering for years from the lack of water and the presence of a number of citizens from areas of the table Babel, And listening to the most important demands demanded by the people and the most prominent is the establishment of roundabout in the table and lifting lining and cleaning the table of shampoo and maintenance of the barricades, which constitute a barrier to prevent the flow of water to the end of the table and raise the excesses on the tables and other issues contribute to eliminate the problem of water scarcity in the table and help the flow of Water to another table ".
    "There are demonstrations by residents of these areas to demand the provision of water to the people of the Nile and lift the lining of the table, which is 36 km long and the people want quick solutions to their water problems, which affected them economically and prevented the cultivation of land belonging to them as well as the purchase of drinking water.
    He added that "there are several proposals have been agreed upon and will be presented during an extraordinary session of the Council in the presence of the Director of Water Resources and a number of people of the region and we will have a meeting with managers of administrative units and water resources departments in the districts and sub-regions to study ways to remove abuses on rivers, .
    For his part, a member of the Council of Babylon, Falah al-Khafaji, "the range", "The local government and after a meeting last Tuesday with representatives of the protesters in the Nile area was agreed on the establishment of the local government set up a rotating table exceeds the lining of the table Babylon after the approval of farmers who will pass their feet rotor The local government will submit a formal request to the relevant authorities to obtain amnesties and annul the arrest warrants issued against some 25 of the protesters who have lifted part of the lining. "
    The Chairman of the Legal Committee in the Council of Babylon Ahlam Rashid for the "range", "The Council of Babylon in its secret meeting discussed the problem of water scarcity in the table of Babylon and the demands of demonstrators from the residents of the table of Babylon in the Nile area and discussed the work done by some demonstrators lifting the lining of The table of Babylon, "indicating that" the Council called on the central government to increase the share of the province of Babylon of the water that passes through Hilla Hill to eliminate the scarcity of water, which will negatively affect agriculture. "
    "The Council of Babylon will be held in the presence of the heads of administrative units and director of water resources in Babylon for the purpose of finding solutions to the water crisis and take legal action against violators of farmers who use large pumps to water their crops."

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