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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    70 deputies occupy large blocs with a weapon to disrupt the quorum to thwart the candidates of the E

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    70 deputies occupy large blocs with a weapon to disrupt the quorum to thwart the candidates of the E Empty 70 deputies occupy large blocs with a weapon to disrupt the quorum to thwart the candidates of the E

    Post by Rocky Sun 08 Oct 2017, 1:53 am

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    70 deputies occupy large blocs with a weapon to disrupt the quorum to thwart the candidates of the Electoral Commission

     Baghdad / Mohammed Sabah 

    The Council intends to extend the work of the current Electoral Commission after the failure of efforts and efforts have been made to persuade the opposition MPs to turn away from their positions rejecting the candidates of the Committee of Parliamentary Experts. The bloc of opposition, which includes about 70 deputies, bet on ending the domination of the powerful parties over the new board of commissioners by resorting to breaking the quorum of the sessions of the House of Representatives and the disruption of the quorum. 
    The Speaker of the House of Representatives Salim al-Jubouri on Monday a deadline for a vote on the members of the Electoral Commission, announcing the receipt of a request from the Electoral Commission to extend its work. 
    "The influential parliamentary blocs strongly insist on extending the work of the Council of the Electoral Commission after the failure of all efforts to pass the candidates of the Committee of Parliamentary Experts," saying that "this insistence comes to ensure its representation in the Council New commissioners ".
    During several sessions, the House of Representatives tried to pass the names nominated by the parliamentary experts committee, but it was met with strong opposition by more than seventy deputies armed with the weapon of withdrawal from the meetings of the Council and break the quorum of meetings with the paragraph vote on the members of the Electoral Commission. 
    And forced the Presidency of the House of Representatives to postpone the meeting on Saturday to tomorrow, which was dedicated to vote on the names paid by the Committee of parliamentary experts, because of the lack of participation of Kurdish blocs and deputies objecting to the session. 
    The large parliamentary blocs hours before yesterday's meeting held intensive meetings in the cafeteria of the House of Representatives sought to persuade the opposition MPs to enter the parliament to complete the quorum, but its endeavors failed.  
    Commenting on the talks, which lasted nearly two hours, says Daraji, a lawmaker objecting, "The parliamentary blocs put in their morning talks more than a proposal to get out of the crisis of the Electoral Commission, but did not agree on any of the proposals that were discussed," ruling out " Candidate in next Monday's session. " 
    And it collided with the efforts of the large blocs , which aims to pass Tgariraml the Committee of Experts to choose the members of the Electoral Commission, veto the House of Representatives objectors who are given a choice of parliament between the return to the proposed assignment of judges to manage the voting process and the submission of 36 candidates who have reached the final stage of the vote. " 
    The (range) has revealed In August, the members of the Committee of Parliamentary Experts reached an agreement to choose 30 candidates out of 116, including 3 minority candidates, to qualify for the next phase and the final, which will be for the selection of only nine commissioners.
    Over the past few days, the Presidency of the House of Representatives has sought to attract 22 Sunni deputies from the opposition bloc to the results of the Parliamentary Experts Committee by granting them a seat in the new Supreme Electoral Commission, in exchange for guaranteeing their vote for the new candidates. 
    The opposition MPs are trying to gain time and exploit the absence of Kurdish blocs from attendance to the meetings of the Council of Representatives in violation of the quorum of any session to include reports of the Committee of Experts, forcing the large blocs to negotiate with them. 
    MP Darraji revealed the submission of opposition MPs "appeal before the Federal Court decision to drop the proposal to assign judges instead of the Board of Commissioners by the House of Representatives and questioning the counting of votes." 
    The Speaker of the House of Representatives Salim al-Jubouri during his presence in the parliament room session on Monday a deadline for a vote on the members of the Electoral Commission, announcing the receipt of a request from the Electoral Commission to extend its work.
    In turn, the MP for the parliamentary bloc of reform, honest Almahna, the large blocs rejected a proposal submitted by some parliamentary blocs to submit the names nominated by the Committee of Experts to the final stage of the vote individually. "The 
    Mahna in an exclusive interview (range) that" blocks The influential fear that the rise of its representatives to the new staff of the Commission because of disagreements with the deputies objecting, "pointing out that" the time factor appeared to the hands of the House of Representatives, which has become embarrassing for failing to elect a new commission. " 
    Excludes Deputy Mahana," the participation of Kurdish MPs in the meeting on Monday, Participation is subject to the decision of the Federal Court Which will respond to the inquiry of the House of Representatives on the names of deputies participating in the referendum in the Kurdistan region on 25 September last.
    The Council of Representatives sent an inquiry to the Federal Court to state its position on the participation of Kurdish MPs in the referendum, and also mandated the Legal and Member Affairs Committees to provide the Presidency with the names participating in the referendum after the Federal Court's response. 
    In this regard, informed parliamentary sources revealed that "there are talks being conducted by some of the Kurdish blocs with various political blocs to facilitate the return of their deputies again to Parliament," indicating that there are political blocs known to reject the resumption of Kurdish deputies presence, 
    adding sources, Term) that "the funeral of President Jalal Talabani and its repercussions aborted all the agreements that took place last week," pointing out that "dialogues are still in place to determine the participation of Kurdish MPs in the next session."

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