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    A North Korean rocket landed in his home

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-22

    A North Korean rocket landed in his home Empty A North Korean rocket landed in his home

    Post by Rocky Thu Jan 04, 2018 4:52 pm

    A North Korean rocket landed in his home
    A North Korean rocket landed in his home Irq_526453665_1515048363
    BAGHDAD / The failed test of an intercontinental North Korean missile in April ended with a crash in one of the country's cities, the Diplomat magazine reported, quoting a US government source.
    The US magazine said that the medium-range Khuasong-12 missile landed on April 29 on the city of Tokshong with a population of 237,000, resulting in "severe damage" to industrial and agricultural facilities in the region.
    According to the source, the rocket took about a minute and did not cross more than 70 kilometers.
    The magazine pointed out that the fall of the rocket may have caused a strong explosion, given the large amount of non-consumer fuel that he carried. However, journalists questioned the many casualties caused by the accident, because the rocket landed in an industrial area outside official working hours.
    Pyongyang last year carried out a number of missile tests in violation of UN Security Council resolutions, which contributed to the escalation of tension on the Korean Peninsula and led to a tightening of international sanctions on North Korea.

      Current date/time is Wed Jun 05, 2024 6:42 am