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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Norway changed the name of its state to the "Kingdom of filth" .. and the reason!

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Norway changed the name of its state to the "Kingdom of filth" .. and the reason! Empty Norway changed the name of its state to the "Kingdom of filth" .. and the reason!

    Post by Rocky Sun 14 Jan 2018, 1:52 am

    Norway changed the name of its state to the "Kingdom of filth" .. and the reason!
    Arabic and International  Sunday, 14 January 2018 at 10:21 am (250 views)
    Norway changed the name of its state to the "Kingdom of filth" .. and the reason! 20180114_102114-579Norway changed the name of its state to the "Kingdom of filth" .. and the reason!

    Baghdad / Sky Press

    Norway called itself the "filth kingdom" after US President Trump chose it as a preferred source of immigration compared with the "dirty" countries like Haiti and many countries in Africa. In this step, she confirmed that she did not agree with Trump's behavior.

     Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg said, "The Norwegians are pragmatic people who do not care much about the so-called country. The renaming of Norway in the kingdom of filth sends a progressive message of good faith to Trump that this behavior is unacceptable," according to Norwegian media.

    He added that "the proposal to change the name after passing quickly through Parliament and approved by King Harald V, Norway will know the name of the Kingdom of filth (Dritol in Norwegian), temporarily, as of noon today," indicating "if Trumb wants to visit us will be coming to the country of filth" .

    US media reported Thursday that Trump had called for the non-reception of migrants from Haiti and African countries he described as "the epicenter of filth" during a meeting with congressional deputies to address the issue of immigration.

    "Why do I have to agree to the arrival of refugees from dirty African countries? We have to accept more refugees from Norway," Politico said.

    The spokesman for the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Robert Colville, on Friday, described the allegations attributed to Trump, towards the refugees, as "racist."

    "The statements are shocking and shameful from the president of the United States," Colville said. "I am sad. There is no other word that can be used only by racism."

    US House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said Friday evening that Trump's comments on African and Latin American countries were "very regrettable and futile."

    While attending a forum at a university in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Ryan noted that his Irish ancestors had previously been "despised" in the United States.

    He described migration as "the big story", asserting that the Haitians living in his hometown of Jaynesville are great citizens.

    In December, the New York Times quoted unnamed officials as saying that "immigrants from Haiti to the United States are all infected with AIDS."

    He also said that "the new Nigerians in the country must return to their huts." He also complained of 2,500 new immigrants from Afghanistan, a "haven for terrorists."

    Upon taking office in January last year, Trump ordered the entry of citizens of seven Muslim countries into the country, preventing the reception of refugees until further notice, and suspending migration programs until they were fully reviewed.

      Current date/time is Wed 05 Jun 2024, 6:04 pm