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    Washington calls on acting Russian ambassador

    Admin Assist
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    Washington calls on acting Russian ambassador Empty Washington calls on acting Russian ambassador

    Post by Rocky Mon 06 Aug 2018, 2:11 am

    Washington calls on acting Russian ambassador
    06 06 2018 04:02 p
    Washington calls on acting Russian ambassador 102017280255891258703
    [rtl][rtl]Heather Nowert[/rtl]
    Baghdad Post

    Iraq news
    The US State Department, acting Russian ambassador to Washington, Dmitry Gernov, has called for answers to questions on several issues related to his country's intervention in the 2016 US presidential election 

    , according to ministry spokeswoman Heather Naort. 

    "Assistant Foreign Minister Wes Mitchell called on today to respond to the Kremlin's attempt to use the accounts of social media sites to spread violence and division in the United States," Naort said. 

    "We will not tolerate such aggressive intervention," she said. 

    In a statement to her ministry released on Thursday, Naort said that since January 2017, US President Donald Trump has taken decisive action to defend US electoral systems from interference.

    The statement said that these measures include decisions to strengthen the security and flexibility of the electoral system and the electoral process, in order to counter the influence of Russia and other foreign countries in the United States. 

    For more than a year, Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, under the supervision of Deputy Minister of Justice Rod Rosenstein, has been conducting an investigation into the possible Russian intervention in the US presidential election (2016). 

    A number of officials in the Trump campaign were investigated and a number of US intelligence agencies are investigating the same case. 

    Prosecutors have accused 12 Russian intelligence officers of breaking the US presidential election system. 

    Moscow, for its part, denies any link to any possible intervention in the US elections, as President Vladimir Putin stressed his country's non-interference in the elections during the summit it held with Trump in Helsinki in mid-July.

      Current date/time is Fri 07 Jun 2024, 1:13 am