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    Uğlu's policy Abdul-Mahdi sends a letter from Erdogan telling him to move his office out of the gree

    Admin Assist
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    Uğlu's policy Abdul-Mahdi sends a letter from Erdogan telling him to move his office out of the gree Empty Uğlu's policy Abdul-Mahdi sends a letter from Erdogan telling him to move his office out of the gree

    Post by Rocky Mon 29 Apr 2019, 2:19 am

    Uğlu's policy Abdul-Mahdi sends a letter from Erdogan telling him to move his office out of the green[/size]
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     2 hours ago

    [Asharq Al-Awsat] Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi met in Baghdad with Turkish Foreign Minister Mouloud Gaooshoglu, who delivered a message from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, which included an official invitation to visit Turkey. 
    The Prime Minister expressed his thanks to the Turkish President and his desire to develop relations and increase cooperation with Iraq in all fields and resolve the outstanding issues between the two countries in the interest of the two countries and the two neighboring peoples. 
    He stressed that Iraq has regained its strength and strength and united ranks and achieved a major victory against terrorism, an important achievement for Iraq, the region and the world.
    "We do not want to stand with one axis against another, but we build excellent and balanced relations of cooperation with all the neighboring countries. We focus on the participants and maximize them to overcome differences. Turkey is a dear neighbor and an important country in the region. We have distinguished relations and many participants, economic interests, security issues, water, trade and borders. And the fight against terrorism, calling for the return of the railway line from Basra to Turkey and from there to Europe. "
    He stressed that "we do not just increase trade exchange between the two countries, but we call on Turkish businessmen and companies to establish factories, interests and economic partnerships within Iraq in the fields of industry, trade, reconstruction and investment of agricultural land, which deepens cooperation and benefits the two countries and peoples and opens the markets of both countries to Iraqi and Turkish products And that this is a strategic direction in the Iraqi-Turkish relations, stressing that Iraq is a promising country and we must have a common future vision for the benefit of both countries and peoples. "
    He called on the Prime Minister to resolve all outstanding issues directly between the Iraqi and Turkish governments and to sign agreements and direct cooperation on water, oil and security and to end the issue of the presence of Turkish troops in the region of Bashika without obtaining the approval of the Iraqi government. And activate the work of the Joint Coordinating Committee.
    For his part, the Turkish Foreign Minister conveyed the greetings of the Turkish President, and said that "Iraq is an important country for us and we await your visit with great interest and we are pleased with the internal stability and security of Iraq and the removal of concrete blocks and the opening of roads and see the presence of your office outside the Green Zone is an eloquent message about the proximity of citizens We also appreciate the Iraqi government's policy of building its foreign relations in a balanced and solid manner and we look forward to resolving all the outstanding issues between the two countries in a friendly atmosphere. We are pleased to improve Iraq's relations with all neighboring countries and Iraq play an important regional role commensurate with its size, Directly. "
    The Turkish Foreign Minister called on the Turkish Foreign Minister to "raise the level of trade exchange and develop roads and railways and cooperation in the fields of confronting terrorist organizations, oil and water issues, customs and opening consulates." He expressed the readiness of the Turkish side to cooperate on supplying Iraq with electric power and enhancing communication and partnership between businessmen in both countries. Which was announced at a donor conference held in Kuwait. "

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