The MP for the parliamentary wisdom bloc Hassan Masoudi, on Monday, the reasons for not resolving the presidencies of the parliamentary committees so far, and considered the continuation of differences on the presidencies of the committees of category (A) that was the main reason to postpone the decision of the presidency of parliamentary committees until the moment, The intention of the blocs to resolve this file at a later date this weekend. 

Masoudi said in an interview with Alsumaria News that "differences and failure to reach agreement on the resolution of the presidencies of the committees of category (A) was the main reason for delaying the resolution of parliamentary committees until the moment," noting that "the committees of integrity, legal, security, defense, finance and services and external relations has not been To reach a formula on it in order to proceed to vote on its presidencies. "

He added that "the presidencies of the committees of classification (B) and (c) semi-resolved, but was associated with the vote and the dissolution of their presidencies to resolve the presidencies of the committees of category (A) on the grounds that whoever gets a committee in the classification (A) Points to each block according to their electoral eligibility, "stressing that" the political blocs resolved the need to end this file at the latest by the end of this week to activate the work of the committees more effectively and focus on other files of interest to the citizen. " 

The work committees, human rights and parliamentary agriculture were decided on Monday, April 15, 2019, while the rest of the committees were postponed to another date for not reaching consensus on its presidency.