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    Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq leader threatens to strike Kurdish interests


    Posts : 5059
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq leader threatens to strike Kurdish interests  Empty Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq leader threatens to strike Kurdish interests

    Post by chouchou Sun 15 Jun 2014, 11:25 am

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    Shafaq News / The leader of (Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq)  League of the Righteous in Iraq , Qais al-Khazali said that what is happening in the country is a "Barzani , Duri and Daash plot".

    Al- Khozai said in a televised speech about the recent crises in the country from the fall of cities under control of armed men and talked about Kurdistan Region President , Massoud Barzani, the leader of the Baath Party, Izzat al-Duri and the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant organization, known as Daash

    The security events in Iraq have accelerated over the last few days, where militants took of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant controlled on the city of Mosul, 400 km north of Baghdad

    Militants and insurgents headed towards Salahuddin and Kirkuk provinces   widely and entered Tikrit city and controlled the city

    The Iraqi forces withdrew abruptly from their positions in Mosul , Salahuddin and Kirkuk provinces , leaving behind their weapons

    Khazali said "We warn of a plot and scheme sponsored by neighboring and regional countries to ignite sectarian strife and we also said that there is a need for a national consensus in support of the security services

    Khazali believed that one reason for the crisis is that those who are running the security file are "incompetent" and there are "corrupted leaders

    He talked about what he called as a planned plot by " Barzani , Duri and Daash plot led to the collapse of the security situation," adding that "the Kurdish leaders gave orders to the officers and high ranks to withdraw, as well as military Baathist leaders in the army that encouraged the withdrawal of the officers and ranks

    Khazali said that "the Kurdish leaders seized the headquarters of the army and the weapons and equipment, and took control of the disputed areas after the withdrawal of the army

    "I would not turn a blind eye. We will not allow to abandon Iraq's right , who don’t know us let him know who are we and this is a clear threat to Kurdish leaders who are the reason for what the situation has reached and they will pay the price if caused the shedding of the blood of our people in the areas under their control

    He added, "we will act wisely and a planned pace, but will not tolerate on those who want to hurt the Iraqi people as our threaten does not include   unarmed people and civilians, but the threat includes their security forces, political and economic interests

    The League of the Righteous (Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq ) had been established  in 2004 as one of the factions of the Mahdi Army, led by cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, under the name of Special Groups and assumed the leadership of the group since its establishment by Qais al-Khazali with Abdul Hadi al-Darraji and Akram al-Kaabi

    The movement started working since 2004 as a brigade of the Mahdi Army, but with the beginning of 2006, the movement works in more independent way from the rest of army’s brigades as it has started working completely independently after the announcement of freezing Mehdi Army in 2008,   even after the establishment of Moqtada al-Sadr for al-Wayom al-Mawood Brigade, the League of the Righteous refused to return to the Sadrist movement and join the brigade

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