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    In a statement, the Kurdistan government denies seizing the oil fields in Kirkuk

    Admin Assist
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    In a statement, the Kurdistan government denies seizing the oil fields in Kirkuk Empty In a statement, the Kurdistan government denies seizing the oil fields in Kirkuk

    Post by Rocky Sun 15 May 2022, 5:47 am

    [size=32]In a statement, the Kurdistan government denies seizing the oil fields in Kirkuk[/size]
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Sunday May 15, 2022 at 12:19 pm (100 views)
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    Sky Press 

    Kurdistan Regional Government spokesman Jutiar Adel said in a statement, "We deny reports that the Kurdistan Region has seized the Bai Hassan and Daoud Korki oil fields belonging to the North Oil Company in Kirkuk with the support of armed forces."

    He added that “it is clear that according to the Iraqi constitution, public wealth belongs to all Iraqis and not to any company, as the North Oil Company has been operating without an oil and gas law for many years, violating the constitution, and if the North Oil Company is concerned with solving problems, let the oil and gas law be legislated in accordance with with the constitution.

    He added, "The campaign against the Kurdistan region is politically motivated and has no legal basis, and the accusations against the Kurdistan region are far from the truth and aim only to create a state of chaos against the rights of the Kurdish people."

    Earlier, the North Oil Company accused the Kurdistan government of acquiring federal fields, through an armed force affiliated with the region.

    The company said in a statement that "an armed force affiliated with the regional government, accompanied by a technical team, has overrun the (Bay Hassan / Daoud field) wells in order to exploit the production capacities of these wells for the benefit of the regional government."

    The Iraqi company added that "our company owned by the Iraqi National Oil Company holds the Kurdistan Regional Government this behavior contrary to the constitution and Iraqi laws that govern the relationship between the region and the center, which entrusted the responsibility for the exploitation of oil and gas as the property of the Iraqi people in the federal government represented by the extraction companies affiliated with the Iraqi National Oil Company."

    This incident sparked an uproar and comments, while political parties demanded an end to these forces' control of the oil fields.

    The oil fields in Kirkuk came under the control of the Kurds in 2014, when the Iraqi army collapsed in the face of ISIS.

    And last February, the Federal Court ruled to hand over oil and manage its facilities to the Federal Ministry in Baghdad, which sparked widespread controversy and anger in the region, which considered that the decision was politically motivated.

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