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    Reuters: The Iraqi Prime Minister assigned the "combating terrorism" to stop the smuggling of millio

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    Reuters: The Iraqi Prime Minister assigned the "combating terrorism" to stop the smuggling of millio Empty Reuters: The Iraqi Prime Minister assigned the "combating terrorism" to stop the smuggling of millio

    Post by Rocky Wed 25 Jan 2023, 7:20 am

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    Reuters: The Iraqi Prime Minister assigned the "combating terrorism" to stop the smuggling of millions of dollars to Iran
    one hour ago
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    The Iraqi Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia'a al-Sudani, assigned the Special Anti-Terrorism Forces to combat the smuggling of dollars to Iran. Today, Wednesday, January 25, Iraqis gathered in front of the Central Bank to protest against the new wave of price hikes and the deteriorating economic conditions.
    Reuters news agency referred to the raids carried out by the Special Forces to combat terrorism, last Saturday, in Baghdad to combat smuggling operations, and wrote that these raids are the first test for the Iraqi Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani, who has been in power since October (October). After more than a year of political crisis in Iraq.
    Two advisers to private Iraqi banks who regularly attend meetings of the Central Bank of Iraq, and spoke on condition of anonymity, told Reuters that the Iranian regime receives about $100 million a month from Iraqi businessmen.
    Security officials under the Iraqi prime minister's command told this news agency that there is "clear evidence" that smugglers have been buying large amounts of dollars from Baghdad's foreign exchange markets since mid-January and smuggling them into Iran through border crossings.
    A colonel in the Iraqi border police at the "Shalamja" crossing near the city of Basra, in the south of the country, said that dozens of smugglers buy dollars from the currency markets in Baghdad, and use school bags to carry them, then fill them in cars and cross the border under the protection of the armed men.
    Reuters said that unidentified gunmen targeted Iraqi forces in their attack last Saturday on Kaifah Street in central Baghdad, one of the three main currency markets in the city.
    Earlier, The Wall Street Journal reported in a report that the intensification of pressure on the Iranian regime led to the depreciation of the Iraqi currency, and since the Federal Bank of New York implemented strict supervision in November to deal with the smuggling of dollars to Iran, more than 80% of Iraqi bank transfers.
    And "Reuters" confirmed that this measure by the New York Federal Bank aims to stop the illegal transfer of dollars to Iran, and to put more pressure on the Islamic Republic's regime.
    Aqil Fatlawi, a Shiite MP, told Reuters that the Americans are using the strict restrictions on dollar exchange as a warning message to the Iraqi prime minister to "preserve American interests," and that "acting against us may lead to the overthrow of your government."
    A senior Iraqi banking official told Reuters that the United States had sent a clear message to Iraqi officials to "commit to the new rules, otherwise the Central Bank of Iraq will face fines."
    Reuters confirmed that the Iraqi prime minister needs a relationship with the United States to ensure his country's oil and financial revenues, as well as to fight ISIS militants.
    However, this news agency added that al-Sudani came to power with the support of Iranian-backed militias, and therefore he cannot distance the Iranian regime from him.
    Baghdad-based political analyst Ahmed Younes told Reuters that the Iraqi prime minister is facing a serious challenge in this regard.
    America's pressure on Iraq to prevent smuggled currency from being sent to Iran comes at a time when Tehran has faced a crisis in recent months due to the high price of the dollar, and the value of the Iranian national currency has declined significantly during this period.
    The US pressure on Iraq comes at a time when Robert Malley, the US special envoy for Iran, announced in an interview with Bloomberg TV that Washington will increase pressure on China with the aim of stopping the import of Iranian oil.
    According to Mali, China is the main destination for Iran's illegal oil exports, and negotiations will intensify to dissuade Beijing from buying Iranian oil.
    According to international media reports, Iran's exports of crude oil and refined oil products have increased in recent months, and most of Iran's oil appears to go to China, the world's largest oil importer.
    Earlier, there was speculation that the United States would welcome an increase in Iranian oil exports in order to maintain prices in the current situation caused by the war in Ukraine.
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