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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Abadi meet with the ambassadors of the European Union, an organization known for its criticism of th

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    Abadi meet with the ambassadors of the European Union, an organization known for its criticism of th Empty Abadi meet with the ambassadors of the European Union, an organization known for its criticism of th

    Post by Rocky Mon 15 Sep 2014, 7:02 am

    Abadi meet with the ambassadors of the European Union, an organization known for its criticism of the government 

    Baghdad / term-Presse 

    Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, on Sunday, that Iraq is looking forward to establish better relations with the international community and the European Union, stressing that Iraq is exposed to "ferocious attack" threaten the region and the entire world, at a time when he met a representative of an international organization prominent in the field of human rights, I knew severely criticizing the previous government.

    A statement issued by the Information Office of the Prime Minister received a (long-Presse) a copy of it, that "al-Abadi met with ambassadors of EU countries, and during the meeting, review the political and security situation in Iraq and the region, as well as ways to strengthen mutual relations, and international mobility to address the organization Daash terrorist and eliminate it. " 
    Ebadi said that "Iraq is looking forward to establish better relations with the international community, including the EU countries," stressing that "there are challenges and fierce attack against Iraq, and threatens the region and the entire world, which requires that the contributing countries in support of Iraq and help him in his war against these organizations. " 
    of their own feet ambassadors on behalf of their governments, "congratulations to Ebadi on the occasion of the formation of the government," and expressed "hope that witnessing the bilateral relations between Iraq and the European Union greater openness and development during the coming period." 
    and expressed the ambassadors of the EU countries' keenness of their countries strengthening bilateral relations with Iraq, and support for the new Iraqi government and the unity of Iraq and its territorial sovereignty. " Meanwhile, Abadi said that his government has taken a series of decisions actors since the vote and has interest not to get any violation of the rights of the citizen. 
    As pointed out to the issuance of guidance for the security forces to maintain civilians, showed Human Rights Watch, "desire to work together with the Iraqi government." 
    Ebadi said, in a statement issued by his office on the sidelines of a meeting with the representative of Human Rights Watch in Iraq Erin Evers, and received, (long-Presse), a copy of which, "The Iraqi government since the vote last week, has taken a series of decisions actors and has an active interest not to get any breach of the rights of any Iraqi citizen. " 
    added Abadi, that "there are directives issued by him to the security forces, which is locked in a fierce war with al (Daash) terrorist need to preserve the civilians and citizens." 
    For its part, congratulated Erin Evers Abadi "on the occasion of the formation of the new government," expressing pleased to "respond to the government and interest in human rights principles." Evers and expressed their desire to "work together with the Iraqi government to keep the Iraqi human rights." 
    and saw a meeting to review the human rights situation in Iraq and the government's plans and program in this area. The head of the Iraqi government, Haider al-Abadi announced, on Saturday, (September 13, 2014), for issuing orders to "stop the bombing" on all cities and qualifications population where there are civilians even controlled by the organization (Daash), and while stressing the continuing pursuit of "terrorists "who use civilians as" barricades "and hiding them, stressed that the government" will do its utmost and her blood "to defend all Iraqis.

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