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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Inheriting files... What is the story of the "sustainable curse" that aborts the success of post-200

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    Inheriting files... What is the story of the "sustainable curse" that aborts the success of post-200 Empty Inheriting files... What is the story of the "sustainable curse" that aborts the success of post-200

    Post by Rocky Tue 29 Aug 2023, 2:58 pm

    Inheriting files... What is the story of the "sustainable curse" that aborts the success of post-2003 governments? - Urgent
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad
    The government, immediately after assuming its duties in Iraq, and throughout the governments and prime ministers of the six governments that were formed after 2003, is almost devoid of talk about an “important symptom” and a justification for its delay in its actions and the failure to fully implement its government program, despite the “anger” and persistent dissatisfaction of the popular and competent circles with The performance of governments, and the lack of confidence in the system and the political class, but this justification may be agreed upon by many, which is represented by the “accumulation of files and the inheritance of problems” from one government to another.
    This matter - according to observers - may be the logical reason why all successive governments did not complete their government program by 100%. The percentages diagnosed by it do not exceed 15 to 30%.
    According to observers , this phenomenon can be described as a "curse and continuous infection", as the government that inherits the outstanding problems and files has not been able to fully implement its program, and therefore will in turn bequeath other files to the next government, and so the matter continues in the form of a "serial curse".
    Political analyst Ahmed Al-Sharifi says that the current government inherited various disasters from the governments that preceded it. Contemplating that the absence of accountability caused this inheritance. 
    Al-Sharifi told "Baghdad Today" that "any new government that is formed in Iraq inherits various problems from economic and security crises to various international crises, and this matter is a major obstacle for any government in implementing its program as it is on the verge of various crises." according to him.
    And he stated, “The reason for this legacy is the absence of anyone who truly holds any official accountable, whatever his position or political status, for the disasters and crises that he causes, such as files of corruption or waste of public money, and for this we find that any new government that comes faces big problems that it works to solve.” And leave the implementation of what must be implemented from the government program.
    In the clearest example of what the current government headed by Al-Sudani talked about about the “inherited” files, is the file of free lecturers and contracts, which have multiplied greatly during the governments of Adel Abdul-Mahdi and Mustafa Al-Kazemi, converting them into 315 contracts and appointing thousands of contracts in the Ministry of Electricity and the rest of the ministries that confirm their lack of need. For these numbers, the Sudanese government was forced to appoint and install nearly 800 thousand new employees, which caused an increase in the number of employees by 20% and an additional salary bill that rose from 41 trillion to 62 trillion dinars, according to a previous statement by Al-Sudani.
    Perhaps the most well-known file that is considered a transgressive legacy for all successive governments and not for one government - according to previous reports - is the file of gas-powered electric stations, in which governments were involved by a previous government, without the availability of gas as a basis for operating these stations, and so on until the "bequeathing" Files and their accumulation" to a continuous curse frustrates any possible success of successive governments.
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