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    The Sudanese steps towards Kirkuk to quell Barzani’s strife... and the state administration decides

    Admin Assist
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    The Sudanese steps towards Kirkuk to quell Barzani’s strife... and the state administration decides  Empty The Sudanese steps towards Kirkuk to quell Barzani’s strife... and the state administration decides

    Post by Rocky Sat 09 Sep 2023, 7:04 am

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    [size=52]The Sudanese steps towards Kirkuk to quell Barzani’s strife... and the state administration decides its position this evening[/size]
    • Today 14:14

    Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani is preparing to travel to Kirkuk to end Barzani’s strife by controlling the governorate, amid anticipation of what the state administration coalition will conclude this evening to discuss the Kirkuk crisis.
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     Vice President of the Turkmen Al-Haq Party, Sami Al-Bayati, welcomed the initiative of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani regarding visiting Kirkuk in the coming hours.
     Al-Bayati said in a statement to Al-Maalouma: “The Arab and Turkmen forces welcome the visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani in order to learn about the reality of the city and the crises caused by the Kurdistan Democratic Party.”
     He added, "Al-Sudani will hold a meeting with the political and tribal forces in the governorate and will come up with important decisions in order to ensure the stability of the governorate and keep it away from the danger of civil war."

     He pointed out that "the people of the province are afraid of the return of the Kurdistan Democratic Party," explaining that "provoking chaos in Kirkuk because of a building threatens the holding of local elections in a calm atmosphere, and that the advanced headquarters building represents symbolism for the people of Kirkuk who refuse to hand it over to the Democratic Party."
    Barzani threatens Iraq's national security
    The Deputy Secretary-General of the Islamic Union of Iraqi Turkmen, Tahseen Kahya, warns of the consequences of handing over the immediate file to the Kurdistan Democratic Party, indicating that this step threatens the country’s national security.
     Kahya said in a statement to Al-Maalouma: “Party interests stand behind raising the Kirkuk issue from time to time, and that the provocations practiced by some parties in Kirkuk threaten peace there.”

    He added, "The Democratic Party's attempt to control the security file in Kirkuk constitutes a threat to security."
    He pointed out that "there is support for the movements undertaken by the Democrat in Kirkuk to achieve certain agendas."
     He explained that "the Kirkuk file has a political aspect and its solution is in the hands of the judiciary, and the step of meeting all components of Kirkuk in the neighborhood ensures a solution to the crisis."
     The state administration supports a peaceful solution in the governorate
    For his part, the representative of the Al-Fatah Alliance, Muhammad Karim, revealed the most important priority files that the leaders of the State Administration Council will discuss today.
    Karim said in a statement to Al-Maalouma, “The State Administration Council has stopped meetings during the past period, but developments in the political scene forced the Council to hold a new meeting to discuss the government program that has been implemented.” 

    He added, "The recent events in Kirkuk are the most important and first files that will be discussed during the meeting, as well as the region's obligations toward the center." 
    He pointed out that "the Council will also discuss, once and for all, the Oil and Gas Law and controversial laws such as the Law of the Federal Court and the Federation Council for the purpose of presenting them to a vote in the House of Representatives."
    Kirkuk Governorate witnessed serious security tensions after gunmen fired live bullets at the tents of those protesting in front of the operations command headquarters and those who rejected the return of the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Peshmerga to Kirkuk. Ended / 25 minutes
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