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    Delayed budget gives Parliament the legislative recess

    day dreamer
    day dreamer
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    Interacting Investor

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    Delayed budget gives Parliament the legislative recess Empty Delayed budget gives Parliament the legislative recess

    Post by day dreamer Sun 30 Nov 2014, 9:47 pm

    Delayed budget gives Parliament the legislative recess

    1/12/2014 0:00

      BAGHDAD - morning
      After the extension of parliamentary sessions for two days, in order to pass a federal budget that the late arrival of the government drafted for technical reasons, it was decided to end the first legislative session of the House of Representatives and the start of the official holiday, starting on Monday, but for a whole month.
    Jubouri said during yesterday's meeting:
    "The legislative term holiday will start on Monday (today), and for a period of one month according to the rules of procedure of the parliament," he said. "It was scheduled to be canceled recess to discuss the budget law for 2015, but the Council of Ministers delay in sending requests Declaration vacation. "
       Chairman of the legislative institution, confirmed after the end of the session, "The House of Representatives will hold a special meeting to discuss the draft budget law, in the event of arrival to the Parliament during the holiday period."
    The Prime Minister, arrived yesterday afternoon to the parliament building, and explain the reasons for delay in the state budget
    , in the 34th meeting, which was held under the chairmanship of al-Jubouri, and the presence of 175 Naúba.ris government, explained that "the country's budget will be approved within a period ranging from seven to ten days, according to variables that will get in the oil market, "noting that" the Council of Ministers held several meetings to discuss the budget, but falling oil prices much is in the budget, where exposed to a significant reduction on the price of oil. "He added, "This matter is not possible to make a budget presentation to parliament," pointing out that "the government is serious to pass the budget year 2015, and directed the Ministry of Finance to provide what looks like the final accounts for the budget year 2014 regarding the exchange." He also noted that he was "the formation of a committee to review the budget in the light of the data and the new prices," he "got the approval of the House of Representatives to cut off his vacation and convene a special session to pass the budget," .ris executive, confirmed that "the balance of 2015, planned to reach 150 trillion dinars, but falling oil prices in light of limited oil exports from the south only, and the loss of half of the revenues due to lower prices, and the lack of export of Kirkuk, making changes which is a must. "Accompanied by "exorbitant amounts for military spending in this budget, in the absence of a financial reserve," Hada the need to "export oil from Kirkuk and not keep things the way they are because they represent a loss for Iraq." And the financial situation of the country, Abadi pointed out that "Iraq is bankrupt now because it possesses great potential, but suffers a cash problem requiring reconsider economic Balstratejah," stressing the importance of exploiting the current pressure for the development and investment of the private sector ".alrgel CEO in the country, revealed warnings and her experts to the government warn them of "the descent of oil into the ground and not take advantage of it when it stopped production of Kirkuk for six months," pointing out that it would be a big loss for Iraq. it should be noted, that the government has decided in its extraordinary formation of a ministerial committee to review the state spending the aim of the deficit in next year's budget to address the country.

      Current date/time is Sun 02 Jun 2024, 9:16 am