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    Judge Ugaili sue against al-Maliki for treason


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    Judge Ugaili sue against al-Maliki for treason Empty Judge Ugaili sue against al-Maliki for treason

    Post by wciappetta Tue 17 Feb 2015, 8:12 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Mustafa al-Obeidi
    FEBRUARY 16, 2015
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    Baghdad «Quds Al-Arabi»: feet Iraqi judge Rahim Ugaili former chairman of the Commission on Public Integrity, a legal complaint against the former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, a student of his trial on charges of treason against the Iraqi people. 

    The lawsuit that accused (Nuri Kamal al-Maliki) took over as Prime Minister and Leader General of the Armed Forces in Iraq between 2006 2014 has been committed during his rule a number of serious violations and crimes, so the judge Ugaili request to take legal action and moving the criminal cases against the accused. 

    offered to suit the crimes committed by al-Maliki, which was considered part of «treason» amounting to 39 crime and which caused his capacity as commander of the armed forces in the fall of one-third of Iraq, however, a terrorist organization (Daash), and is caused by the arming of these criminal organization mechanisms and sophisticated weapons the Iraqi army, valued at more than $ 15 billion. 

    According to the lawsuit responsibility Maliki massacre Speicher in Tikrit and committing major massacre in Karbala against supporters of Mr. Hassani Sarkhi 2014 which claimed the lives of hundreds of dead and wounded and Almatkulain.oahart the case to the commission of major massacres against the Iraqi people is genocide and crimes against humanity when the killing of hundreds of children, women and the demonstrators, as he did in Zerga and Hawija, Fallujah, Ramadi, and caused the tragedies suffered by minorities after control Daash Mosul. 

    According to the lawsuit and other crimes committed by al-Maliki, including the deployment of corruption and sectarian approach in the military and security establishment, and established security and military institutions have no basis either in the Constitution or in the law in order to control and exclusivity rule and the militarization of society, in addition to practice of emergency without the authorization of the House of Representatives, and management of the country crisis, and overtaking on the property, public and private roads, cutting off roads and restrict the freedom of people to move and searched daily, and the practice of arbitrary arrests, and the execution of prisoners and detainees in prisons and detention centers and commit enforced disappearances crimes systematically thousands of Iraqis by linked by security agencies or supported him militias, and the establishment of its own militia and support with state funds and weapons, mechanisms and give its members the identities of the state to implement Ojindath is Alparwah.ottrguet case to the publication of the practices of torture and forced confessions in a systematic and brutal, especially in the security agencies, and the smuggling of prisoners and detainees from the terrorists in the hundreds from the Abu Ghraib prison and others, and who have returned to occupy one-third of Iraq within months. 

    On the other crimes violating the independence of the judiciary and interfering in its affairs, and its use in the elimination of political opponents, as well as terrorism and repression of peaceful demonstrators in Baghdad, Basra and other provinces in 2011 using the security forces and helicopters, and the liquidation of some activists (such as Hadi al-Mahdi). 

    As the case referred to the fraud-Maliki elections and manipulate the will of the voters through the purchase of their voices and the exploitation of state funds and resources in the electoral propaganda, and looting of properties former regime reserved for the benefit of the state of rigging and fraud and recorded the names of loyalists and associates, one of the allocation of land file belonging to a members of Saddam's family and allocated to the current President of the Judicial Council, and compromising the rights of the sea, land and river Iraqis and steal half of the oil sold to Jordan by (14) is a company registered in Lebanon, and (8) companies registered in Jordan steals and transport Iraqi oil to sell to Jordan and the money laundering and firms listed as Ibn al-Maliki or their associated persons. 

    She said the case of crimes such as violation of the independence of the independent bodies, and adopted a sectarian approach Aqsaúaa leave a big gap in the social ladder and promoted violence through his theory of the descendants of Husayn and over. 

    In the financial side, the lawsuit Maliki causing loss accused over (800) billion US dollars of Iraqi funds, but without them accomplishing one, not on the level of security and economic and service, and spent hundreds of billions of dollars outside the framework of the state budget and without legal authorization Amhanh it, which led to the public treasury of the state bankruptcy. 

    The face Judge Ugaili finally charged with perjury constitutional perjury and violating the constitution and the disruption of its provisions. 

    In conclusion, the case that all of the above are the acts constitute the most serious crimes and abuses committed against the regime and grotesque images human rights violations, corruption and abuse of power and position, so ask your presidency to move the criminal complaints against the accused Nuri Kamal al-Maliki for the crimes above, students take legal action against him and against those involved in committing him or helped him by or contributed to by, and asked for an order preventing their travel, and arrested them all, and sent to arrest off. 

    It is noteworthy that former Judge Rahim Hassan Ugaili resident in Arbil, he headed COI has been ruled out and the fabrication of the case against him by Nuri al-Maliki because of the raising of corruption cases implicating them mentioned, relatives and his followers in the government.
    Mustafa al-Obeidi

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    Judge Ugaili sue against al-Maliki for treason Empty Re: Judge Ugaili sue against al-Maliki for treason

    Post by ahill Tue 17 Feb 2015, 3:53 pm

    Wow!  What news.

    I wonder if he is in hiding.

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