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    Iraqi street welcomes fundamental change expected

    Admin Assist
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    Iraqi street welcomes fundamental change expected Empty Iraqi street welcomes fundamental change expected

    Post by Rocky Tue 16 Feb 2016, 3:04 am

    Iraqi street welcomes fundamental change expected

    2/16/2016 0:00

    BAGHDAD Shaima Rashid

    amid questions about the mechanism to be adopted in the selection of new ministers, especially the government since its inception formed in accordance with the «quotas» partisan political consensus, waiting for the Iraqi street changes «core» that the Prime Minister will announce the selection

    of government. Abbas citizen slave saw that there are serious in a change in the line-up, pointing out that the political parties and blocs expressed their support for this change provided that includes among its members a technocrat from specialists. Aboudi said, in an interview with «morning»: The «main slogan of change, which we hope and demanded by some political parties must include the formation of a government of technocrats», wondering if the political parties are run these characters? Or is the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has a special committee to select candidates from political parties or from the outside so that they are capable and qualified to choose the right people in light of the extraordinary and difficult situation in the country? ».

    He stressed slave on the need to include the change important leaders in the ministries as agents of ministries and general managers a private citizen and did not find the seriousness of what went on during the life of the government. » He pointed out that «all the important leaders in the ministries are not more than for political parties and blocs and quotas are representatives came from

    them». Turn citizen Duraid Sarhan welcomed the intention of the prime minister declared «Government Tknucrdo», wondering about the mechanism that will be adopted in the selection of candidates for government lineup with the best of our knowledge that the selection of a candidate for any position must pass through the gate «quotas».

    , Said Sarhan, in an interview for »Sabah»: the «country live an exceptional situation complicated, there are constant war with terrorist gangs Daash difficult economic crisis as well as administrative and financial rampant corruption in the joints of the state for years, so the change is necessary and required at this stage». Sarhan added that «the religious authority demanded this change for some time and was granted a mandate to the prime minister was supposed to initiate this change», calling on political parties and blocs to «abandon its demands temporarily and give the prime minister the freedom to choose qualified for ministerial positions to cross this difficult situation».

    He said the basis of the the country may impose quotas is again on the next morphological but the parties must work on the selection of its members qualified and within the jurisdiction. For its part, citizenship, Nadia al-Obeidi said saw the replacement of ministers with others according to the currently approved quota system would only be a change in the names of the characters, noting that the solution is to grant Abadi freedom of choice as it deems appropriate, away from quotas. Said al-Obeidi, in an interview with «morning»: The «as recounted by the media is the intention of the Prime Minister make a fundamental change still lack clarity, especially as it did not raise new ministers, and those who are covered under the change? It will include the entire line-up? What is the mechanism or criteria to be adopted in the selection of new ministers? », Indicating that« the country is witnessing a complex and difficult economic crisis and the need to specialists running ministries not to politicians ».

    Obeidi explained that« competent, efficient and sincere is to be able to overcome the crises of the country with minimal losses », he is calling for the« head of the ministry to grant full authority and freedom to choose qualified for the assumption of ministerial positions away from quotas and interventions partisan ».

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