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    Legal representative: the constitutionality of public prosecution requested on the Office of Preside

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Legal representative: the constitutionality of public prosecution requested on the Office of Preside Empty Legal representative: the constitutionality of public prosecution requested on the Office of Preside

    Post by Hkp1 Mon 13 May 2013, 4:33 pm


    Legal representative: the constitutionality of public prosecution requested on the Office of President of the Republic


    legal Committee in the Parliament considered that the request by the
    Prosecutor General on whether the Office of President of the Republic
    for months, was unconstitutional, and that it is not the prerogative of
    the prosecution submission of such a request, she rejected the request
    in a meeting held yesterday.

    He said Chairman of the legal
    Committee in the Parliament MP Khalid shawani with a number of members
    of the Committee yesterday that "the request from the prosecutor about
    the Office of President of the Republic to preside over the House of
    representatives and was referred to the legal Committee, the legal
    Committee met and discussed this request.

    The head Prosecutor in
    Iraq called on House speaker Osama Al-nujaifi to take legal proceedings
    on whether the Office of President of the Republic for "a long time",
    while noting that the request has been made under article 1 of the law
    on public prosecution (159) of 1979, as amended.

    Paragraph (c) of
    article 72 of the Constitution "to elect a new President in the event
    that the Office of President of the Republic for any reason, to complete
    the remaining period of the mandate of the President."

    stressed that "the legal Committee turned down the request because the
    request was unconstitutional and illegal, and there is no constitutional
    provision or law on the public prosecution service granted the Chief
    Prosecutor empowered to make such a request, this request is talking
    about article 27 of the Constitution, this article talks about whether
    the Office of President of the Republic and not absent, now the
    Vice-President performs the functions of the Presidency of the

    Shawani said that "this application is incompatible
    with the principle of separation of powers, and the prosecution does not
    have the power to make such requests," he said, adding that these
    things are of exclusive competence of the Chamber of Deputies, adding
    that the legal Committee had rejected that demand as unconstitutional
    and illegal, saying that the House is not bound to implement this

    Vice President, said the Kurdistan Alliance bloc, Mohsen
    Al-saadun told "" range "specifies an alternative to the President of
    the Republic is not the prerogative of the prosecution or the Supreme
    Judicial Council", stating that "the Higher Council of the judiciary and
    prosecution do not have under the Constitution of any powers in the
    legislative and executive matters. Saadun said that "a new President or
    an alternative, outlined by the Constitution of the legislative
    authority and not to the prosecution any legal validity."

    President Jalal Talabani illness on 17 December 2012, enter the medical
    city hospital in Baghdad, once put it, allowing for treatment abroad,
    transferred to a specialized hospital in Germany, and remained lying
    there and receiving treatment at the hands of German doctors.

    the Governor of Kirkuk, Najm al-Din Omar Karim, a neurologist, was with
    President Jalal Talabani at their hospital in Germany, (21 February
    2013) that President Jalal Talabani, "very stable", indicating that the
    wizard has a German team is optimistic health improvement and
    responsiveness to treatment. The Iraqi presidency, announced on 18
    February 2013, in a statement, President Jalal Talabani's health "has
    improved dramatically," emphasized that it continued to work out in the
    German hospital in Berlin, while sources close to Talabani, said the
    doctors asserted that the President has become in the month of February,
    in the best case since his Viewer.

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