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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Chairman of the Committee of the Regions parliamentary and provincial d. Mohammed Kayani: Committee

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    Chairman of the Committee of the Regions parliamentary and provincial d. Mohammed Kayani: Committee  Empty Chairman of the Committee of the Regions parliamentary and provincial d. Mohammed Kayani: Committee

    Post by lonelyintexas Fri 12 Jul 2013, 7:47 am

    Chairman of the Committee of the Regions parliamentary and provincial d. Mohammed Kayani: Committee of the Regions is working on the preparation of the proposed law on devolution of powers after being overdue by the executive

    12-07-2013 | (Voice of Iraq) - The Chairman of the Committee of the Regions and provincial parliamentary Dr. Mohammed Kayani that his committee is currently working on the preparation of the proposed law on devolution of powers which is overdue by the executive branch for more than a year, noting that this law is a complement to modify the second provincial law to give sufficient powers to local governments and the consolidation of decentralization.
    He said Kayani in a statement today that: "for the purpose of decentralization real need to change the legislative structure of the Iraqi state based on the central to the structure of decentralization based on the sharing of powers between the center and local governments, both according to its competence, and access to it has to be from the age group of laws that complements one of them the other to complete the decentralization project, including the law of the delegation of authority from the central government to the provinces, according to Article 123 of the Constitution, the law of the General Authority to monitor the allocation of federal revenues mentioned in Article 106 of the Constitution, and the law of the General Authority for ensuring the rights of the regions and governorates that are not organized in a region mentioned in the Article 105 of the Constitution, and revision of laws relating to financial resources and tax regimes in Iraq. "
    He Kayani: "The bill devolution of powers from the central government to the provinces delayed the executive power for more than a year, has been approached our committee the government on this law and we received the book that this law is done with the government, and later surprised the book another from the Ministry of State for Provincial Affairs stating that The bill has stalled in the Council of Ministers and sent back to the Shura Council, and to this day not up to us authorization bill powers for the purpose of deciding when and legislation. "
    And: "The Committee of the Regions and provincial parliamentary began currently working on the preparation of the proposed law on devolution of powers to be passed in the House of Representatives as soon as possible during the current legislative, because of its importance and contribution to the development of a final solution to the suffering of the citizens in the provinces of poor services, including the power crisis."
    He added that: "Under the laws issued in this regard, which will be issued, can the provincial councils to buy electricity from neighboring countries, in coordination with the central government, and the pass laws mentioned above will help open the door to Almstthmrn locals and foreigners for the advancement of urbanization and services, including electricity, cut the road on the rampant corruption that caused impede progress in the service areas and particularly in relation to the file of electricity. "

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