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    Political Day

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    Political Day Empty Political Day

    Post by Rocky Wed 01 Mar 2017, 1:50 am

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    Political Day

    Maliki and Hakim discuss the formation of a unified electoral coalition 

    revealed head of advocacy organization inside the party Bloc Ali al - Badri, the existence of negotiations between the head of a coalition of state law , Nuri al - Maliki, head of the Islamic Supreme Council Ammar al - Hakim to form a coalition Antkhaba.oukal al - Badri , said that "intensive political negotiations are currently underway between the poles National Alliance to form coalitions electoral isolation from the coalition . "He added that" the Liberal bloc is negotiating with Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi and his wing of the state law while looking head of state law Nuri al - Maliki with a mass citizen , led by al - Hakim declared an electoral coalition to form a political majority "He pointed Budeiri to " the remaining parties are looking to form other political blocs different labels after the National Alliance failed to achieve the aspirations of its citizens and like them in previous years." 

    Abadi underestimated the parliament for not attending to answer an oral question was 

    considered the legal committee member of the parliamentary Zana happy, not to attend the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi to the last session of parliament, to answer an oral question on the representation of the components in state institutions as " a clear disregard for the " power Altcherieih.oukal Said that " parliament identified on February 27 as the date to attend the Prime Minister orally asked about the representation of the components of the Iraqi state institutions, in addition to another question to indicate special grades and positions of sovereignty , which is managed by proxy existing since the reign of the previous government continued by Abadi , contrary to the constitutional article 61 . "He added Said . " but surprised not to attend the Prime Minister to parliament and there is no justification or explanation or apology , "considering it as" a clear disregard of legislative power to the House of Representatives. " 

    The start of the battle to liberate Afar two weeks after 

    MP Alrtkmana Niazi architect Ihsanoglu, that there is a breakthrough in the case of the start of the battle to liberate spend Afar in Nineveh province, indicating that the editing process will begin at an early date will not exceed Alasbuaan.oukal Ihsanoglu: " The political calculations dominated the national scene the humanitarian situation in the case of Tal Afar, "pointing out that" there is an ongoing correspondences from us the commander in Chief of the armed forces and joint operations to accelerate the start of the liberalization process . "He Ihsanoglu said" there is a breakthrough in the subject, and assurances that the editing process of the city center will begin very soon , will not exceed two weeks "noting that" the Iraqi army and the federal police and local police are editing will eliminate without the participation of the local popular crowd or according to what has been previously agreed upon after the regional and internal political interference. " 

    Innocent people remain in prison hinder the success of the settlement was 

    considered an MP for Salahuddin province , al - Jubouri longings, that a political settlement can not be achieved without knowing the fate of thousands of "innocent people" who are languishing in jails without trial. Said al - Jubouri that "there are a lot of detainees from the Salah al - Din province , were arrested from places multiple cities and security checkpoints in my control Bzabz and Razzazah and other areas have been detained in and taken it and still unknown," she wondered, "How do you compromise achieved and thousands of innocent people languishing in detention centers without trial does not know the fate or place of detention "? .utabat Jubouri , "demanded the first sponsor of the Iraqi people , the prime minister reveal the fate of the detainees for many times and in various ways , official memos without being given any answer." 

    The Iraqi government is not clear about the visit , "Jubeir" 

    accused the MP for the coalition of state law , high Nassif, government 's lack of transparency in the disclosure of the details of visiting Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al - Jubeir to Arac.oukalt Nassif said that "Iraqi public opinion was not aware of the details of the visit Salajabir to Baghdad only what have dealt with political analysts via satellite and social networking sites, so now we have dozens of conflicting interpretations, in addition to what has been announced by a spokesman for Prime Minister Saad al - Hadithi about Search civil aviation issues and border cooperation and the formation of committees for this purpose , ".odat Nassif government to" clarify whether this visit the beginning of a new chapter with Saudi Arabia is based on the normalization of relations in the form which we do not hear is not an ambassador and foreign minister nor any Saudi official challenged the popular crowd and the victories of the Iraqi people against terrorism. "

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