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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    State: Adoption of the popular crowd Act did not unite his leadership

    Admin Assist
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    State: Adoption of the popular crowd Act did not unite his leadership Empty State: Adoption of the popular crowd Act did not unite his leadership

    Post by Rocky Sun 05 Mar 2017, 1:45 am

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    State: Adoption of the popular crowd Act did not unite his leadership

     translation / Hamed Ahmed 

    He confirmed the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights , the US State Department, that the Iraqi government were not able to complete control of all Iraqi security forces, noting that the leadership of the popular crowd remained contradictory , despite the adoption law. 
    This came in the 41, issued by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and the workforce in the US State Department, the private practices of human rights in different countries of the world 's annual report. 
    Bureau of Democracy, said in his report, " the Iraqi civilian authorities have not always been able to maintain effective control of all security forces in the country , which include the regular army forces and internal security services to enforce the law, and the forces of the popular crowd , a military organization of state - sponsored composed of approximately from 60 armed faction individually be connected directly to the Prime Minister, there are the KRG Peshmerga forces. " 
    The report pointed out that "despite the issuance of ministerial orders in February 22 and July 27, 2016, as well as the parliamentary vote boycotted by Sunnis in the November 26 of the same year by making the popular crowd under the authority of the Prime Minister forces the side of leadership and authority at the crowd forces emerged at the end of the year it is still contradictory and disparate and inefficient. " 
    In a related context, the Bureau of Democracy stressed that "violence fueled by the largely regulate Daesh practices continued its influence to split the country over the past year, while government forces were fighting to liberate the territories occupied by Daesh especially land Sunni majority and the Department of Lands and ethnic mixed minorities." 
    The report noted that " the military confrontations between al Daesh and government forces resulted in civilian hardship, and at the end of the year the number of internally displaced people has fallen from its peak , which was around 3.4 million people displaced during the March to 3.3 million, the main reason for the decline is due to the reference section of Iraqis to their homes after the liberation of their areas of control Daesh organization. " 
    He explained that "despite the increase in donor contributions, the government 's response was unable to keep pace with the rapid increase humanitarian needs of displaced people and groups have become needy, prompting a section of the citizens to search for migration out of the country."  
    The report pointed out that "serious problems of human rights were spread widely in Iraq , including, rivalry sectarianism and rampant corruption and lack of transparency in various government and community levels, which led to weaken the government 's authority and has worsened the human rights protections." 
    The US State Department confirmed that " the Iraqi security forces and elements of the Federal Police and the Peshmerga forces committed some human rights abuses, and there are still reports that elements of the popular crowd of murder, torture, kidnapping and rape of civilians." 
    She continued , "however , committed organization Daesh terrorist side , the greatest of human rights abuses and violent against the citizens, which was broken by attacks against civilians, especially Shiites and Sunnis hostile to regulation also Daesh and people from members of religious minorities and ethnic and other abuses against women and children." Turning the US report, the statements of observers, they talked about other violations of human rights in the "headquarters of prisons and jails and detention operations cynicism and prolonged detention before trial, sometimes without being approached by anyone, and the denial of a fair open court and the lack of a functioning judicial institution and misapplication and treatment of judicial proceedings civil, and the restriction of freedom of opinion and expression , including restricting the freedom of opinion of the press and violence against journalists , social, religious and political restrictions imposed by extremist groups in the academic and cultural forums. " The report continued , "as evidenced by Iraq to restrict the freedom of displaced people and displaced internal movement and prevent a section of the displaced people from returning to their homes, and the policy of social discrimination and violations of women and minorities , ethnic and religious, which include exclude them from to fill the role of decision - making and the confiscation of other properties without legal face and restrictions on workers ' rights." 
    And on commissions of inquiry, the American report pointed out that " the government announced hold them for investigations into reports of violations committed by elements of the popular crowd, but the results of investigations or convictions often remaining secret undeclared, as well as information about government investigations or judicial proceedings in violations committed by officials or members of the security forces often Matkon confidential and undisclosed. "
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