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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Abadi: We will continue to cut 4.8 of the salaries of employees and retirees for the purpose of incr

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Abadi: We will continue to cut 4.8 of the salaries of employees and retirees for the purpose of incr Empty Abadi: We will continue to cut 4.8 of the salaries of employees and retirees for the purpose of incr

    Post by Rocky Wed 19 Apr 2017, 2:44 am

    Abadi: We will continue to cut 4.8 of the salaries of employees and retirees for the purpose of increasing the salaries of the popular crowd !!

    Last updated: 19 April 2017 - 9:38 p
    BAGHDAD / The commander of the armed forces Haider al-Abadi announced on Tuesday evening the increase in the allocation of popular mobilization starting next month. " There are false rumors that try to highlight the popular mobilization forces as against the state," Abadi told a news conference. "He said that" the Iraqi government has only dismantled the contracts of soldiers fleeing from the confrontations of gangs and called the terrorist away from the courts They are militarily. " "The government has declared a general amnesty twice when the security forces are engaged in fierce battles against gangs, but the few have returned to their position in the Iraqi army," he said, adding that "the government broke their contracts on the basis of a military decision of competent courts and we did not have procedures another about them , "He called the commander in chief of the armed forces" who wish to return to the army to submit a request, indicating the reasons for leaving his position, "he said . " Iraq needs fighters have strength and courage to those who do not want to return to his position after the end of the fighting. "
    "The government is keen on the popular mobilization fighters who have come voluntarily," he said, stressing "the preservation of the voluntary side of the crowd, taking into account their sacrifices and granting their families privileges equal to their sacrifices." He also referred to "issuing a dictatorial order to reorganize the popular crowd, specialized committees to re - structure of the popular crowd is working to provide a draft by experts affiliated with the crowd after the current laws of science. " "There is an effort to free the fishermen of the two countries by reaching information or agreements with the Hezbollah battalions of the popular crowd," he said, adding that "their entry into the Iraqi territories was in an official capacity and they were granted by the Minister of the Interior at the time, considering "abduction abuse of all the Iraqi people."
    On US relations with neighboring countries, Abbadi said that "the countries are governed by relations based on interests, and US-Iraqi relations are based on the fight against terrorism, which is a common interest between the two parties and is not affected by any regional tension in US-Iranian relations or US-Syrian relations. Iraq hopes the composition of non - relations Altsb in the fight against terrorism because he wants to introduce a US, British and Chinese to work and invest in Iraq companies to improve the economic situation on the one hand and died of services and live happy citizen. "
    "Iraq has opened a new policy in the reconstruction of the external roads through the collection of symbolic wages from the wheels of pregnancy passing and Ikal the tasks of rehabilitating roads and protect and the establishment of rest and provide services to investment companies." The high level of water confirmed that "the security forces contributed to the evacuation of all "The Ministry of Water Resources and the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Works and Public Municipalities have taken measures and worked to store water and discharge it to Lake Tharthar for use in the next planting season." The General Commander of the Armed Forces Haider Abadi, "The government has broken their contracts on the basis of a military decision by competent courts and we have had no other measures on them," he said. "Those who wish to join the army to submit a request to explain the reasons for leaving the site," adding that "Iraq needs fighters with strength and courage, not for those who want to return to its position after the end of the fighting."

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