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    Finance Committee: budget 2018 free of paragraph Withholding staff salaries

    Admin Assist
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    Finance Committee: budget 2018 free of paragraph Withholding staff salaries Empty Finance Committee: budget 2018 free of paragraph Withholding staff salaries

    Post by Rocky Thu 18 May 2017, 3:04 am

    Finance Committee: budget 2018 free of paragraph Withholding staff salaries

    BAGHDAD - The Journal News
    said the decision of the parliamentary Finance Committee Ahmed Hamma Rashid said in a statement singled out by the "Journal News" that the rise in oil prices and the survival of exports as they are helped to move the budget and enter the financial revenues of hard currency has been a barrel pricing in the budget by $ 42 while It was raised crude prices globally to around $ 46 and this Enter the revenue of the general budget

    Rashid added: "So far too early to draw the mechanics of the budget for next year because we did not generalize the overall strategy for the current year budget and requesting a supplementary budget because the salaries of staff allocations are incomplete ie allocated until the tenth month of this year, and then ask for a supplementary budget remaining two months of the year Present .

    He continued, "that there is put forward by the deputies in parliament by deleting some of the paragraphs of the year 2017 budget and the most important deduction from the salaries of employees, 3.8% have been raised this demand but in the process of a problem that the amendment of any law that requires amendment of public law budget, the amendment requires the supplementary budget that by religion law year.

    And between the Rashid "that the coming year will see the lack of deduction from employees' salaries Al3.8% if global crude oil prices rise continued, and the continuation of the government's policy of economic reform and austerity and taxes, and an emphasis on reducing the special grades and protections for security officials, officials indicating that the government should maximize resources through other economic sectors except oil.

    For her part, member of the parliamentary finance committee pros Hamadoun in a statement summarized by the Journal News that the government is continuing the policy of austerity because the financial crisis is still going on until next year has been the rise in oil prices to $ 46 to achieve a surplus in the state budget contributed in addition to deductions from employees and tax salaries, which were levied, and go to the funding of the popular crowd and the requirements of the displaced.

    She added that the surplus that the government issued a document it is a surplus is significant for the fact that the region is not committed so far Baqrarth with the center of the door of revenue, taxes, levies and export of oil, noting that the government should seriously pay attention to government outlets, because it has a very high income from money and the need to restrict the ports to not escape that money through some influential people in the government.
    She continued , "there must be a practical correlation between the bodies, ministries and Finance and the Central Kalpnk Parliamentary Committees Economic Ministry of Finance and financial bodies in order to draw up the general reform policy, indicating that the government is pushing the private sector to lead the economy and rotate the investment wheel."

    He revealed a member of the Finance Committee in Parliament MP Masood Haider in a press talk about, that the draft financial budget bill for the year 2017 included the deduction of 3.8% of the employees and the salaries of retirees, while he noted that the parliament did not know where the money goes withholdings
    Haider said that the financial budget for the year 2017 I sent the government of the House of Representatives included deductions from the salaries of employees and retirees, explaining that the deductions were in the budget of 2016 is 3% of salaries, either in the budget of 2017 , bringing to 3.8% of the deduction of employees and retirees

    He added Haidar that according to paragraph Deduction that 3% go for the crowd popular and internally displaced persons, either 0.8% of the deduction Vtdhav to other expenses, noting that we are in the Finance Committee and the Parliament do not know where the money goes 1.8% withholdings
    announced Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, October 18 , 2016 , send a draft general budget for the 2017 Law to the House of Representatives after making amendments to it, indicating that the project included the previous agreement with the Kurdistan region.

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