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    Tourism Authority is optimistic that the revitalization of archaeological tourism

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    Tourism Authority is optimistic that the revitalization of archaeological tourism Empty Tourism Authority is optimistic that the revitalization of archaeological tourism

    Post by Rocky Mon 05 Jun 2017, 1:14 am

    Tourism Authority is optimistic that the revitalization of archaeological tourism

     Baghdad / term

    250 A tourist reservoir archaeological dating back to the pre - Christmas, could Iraq in peace and safety conditions to be at the top of the list of tourist countries, and could tourism in which to generate the tens of billions of dollars a year, which does not make it hostage to oil and the volatility of prices.
    Until the seventies of the last century , Iraq was very famous for tourists from different countries such as Japan, France, Germany and Britain destination, but this sector deteriorated significantly since the eighties because of the war against Iran, and in the nineties there is a lack even domestic tourism because of wars , economic blockade, to focus attention after 2003 on tourism and religious sites amid neglect of the sectors of tourism Alokhry.icol , Director General of the Department of Tourism totals Tourism Authority Mahmoud al - Zubaidi in an interview (range): what ails tourism archaeological sites in Iraq , the decline is due to several reasons, first and foremost the lack of proper management and not to put a Plans to invest in a real and fruitful by people who are competent or honest, adding: When is overlooked by some in the Tourism Authority for an accounting firm or a hotel for some money collection to activate the tourism sector account we must be seeing this recession and permanent decline in tourism effects .
    Zubaidi expressed his surprise of the lack of interest in tourism ruins in Iraq at a time when there is no country in the world is not interested in this very profitable side, noting that: the reasons for neglecting the tourism sector , the task of Iraqi antiquities in the country are multiple , including political, zonal and financial, which kept away from the effects of activate the tourism role in the Iraqi economy service, the problem is no hope in the near term to activate the role of the archaeological tourism sector, if they provide to this sector administration is responsible for the leadership helm of tourism in Iraq and the advancement of this neglected side, then we can consider that we are witnessing the development of work For tourism and investments and all that would serve the country economically in this aspect.
    The age of the civilization of Mesopotamia hard so far to more than 10 thousand years and the spread of archaeological sites in the country. Says economic expert on behalf of Antoine in an interview (range) that: there are more than 250 thousand tourist reservoir in Iraq from the south to the north, in Ur and Uruk, Nimrud, Babylon and other tourist monuments that can be a significant source of financial imports of the country if they were exploited sites properly and orderly.
    Antoine believes that: heritage tourism and archaeological can her alone constitute a significant financial income for Iraq, and the operation of thousands of the workforce after the influx of millions of foreign and local tourists with the operation of hundreds of restaurants and hotels in addition to the revitalization of the transportation sector and other matters, it can also have to shop a lot of local heritage products and even agricultural and industrial, as well as the work of tourism promotion ads and mentors with the possibility to activate large investments in those places by attracting the money capital of Iraq, but we can organize and stimulate local tourism employment in the country, Which obviates import tourism employment for hotels and restaurants , a process that can constitute a tremendous wealth of the country if exploited properly.
    Iraq has more than a dozen sites of archaeological sites , the main, and includes each site on thousands of sub - sites, including what is Explorer and have not yet explored, among them the effects of Ur in the southern part of the Republic of Iraq, the effects of Nippur, one of the existing ancient cities in Mesopotamia, and away from the south of Baghdad , the city of one hundred and seventy kilometers, the effects of iSN, to the south of the town of Afak, the effects of Babylon lies to the south of the city of Baghdad, the effects of Nimrud, this site is located in the southern part of the city of Mosul, the effects of Samarra: this city is located to the north of the city of Baghdad, the effects of Assyria, to the GNU From the city of Mosul, and the effects of Nineveh: This city is located in the north of the city of Baghdad, it is one of the broad - renowned Assyrian cities.

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