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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Combines free Iraqis: Iraqis could resort to force to recover their land and maritime borders acquir

    Admin Assist
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    Combines free Iraqis: Iraqis could resort to force to recover their land and maritime borders acquir Empty Combines free Iraqis: Iraqis could resort to force to recover their land and maritime borders acquir

    Post by Rocky Tue 17 Sep 2013, 6:25 am

    Combines free Iraqis: Iraqis could resort to force to recover their land and maritime borders acquired Kuwait


    The Secretary-General of the free Iraqis gathered Qasim Mohsen Sueaadi that Iraqis could resort to force to retrieve all their land and sea borders acquired by Kuwait.

    He explained in a statement today, "The concern of the Iraqi national forces because of the Convention on the Regulation of navigation in Khor Abdullah is a legitimate concern from jealousy on their home and their keenness on the sovereignty and territorial integrity, but the anxiety that express it through their statements through the media will not achieve the desired results because the Kuwaiti side to understand only the language of force. "

    "The Kuwait by not exceeding the size of one of Iraq's provinces paid bribes in cash or oil for the great powers fold Gnmth from Iraq, that is, in material terms may not be made ​​a profit yet, but it is benefiting from two aspects: the first break Iraq and humiliation of Iraqi people Because of venom old and revenge which تضمره since 1990, although the Iraqis guilty to them in the policies of the former regime which is solely what happened to Kuwait, and the second is the profit achieved by the future of the port of Mubarak and channel Khawr Abd Allah and the land stolen from Iraq with all its oil, especially after the oil wells dry after nearly twenty years. "

    He pointed out that "the logic of power is the logic the only one that can be used with the Kuwaiti side, if the invasion, which was subjected to during the former regime occupation organized done by the regular army orders of government and therefore has to punish Iraq for the invasion, the force that ستسترجع our land and our borders marine Kuwait has nothing to do with the government will not find allies Kuwait can be punished because the actor will be unknown.

    He continued Sueaadi "The time has come to stop the persistence of Kuwait and its excesses that long patience, Iraqis will not remain silent about their rights may resort to force after retrieval tried all means with Kuwait."

      Current date/time is Wed 05 Feb 2025, 8:04 am