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    Urgent citizen bloc insists on passing the election law, even if opposed by some of the blocks


    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Urgent citizen bloc insists on passing the election law, even if opposed by some of the blocks Empty Urgent citizen bloc insists on passing the election law, even if opposed by some of the blocks

    Post by chouchou Thu 03 Oct 2013, 6:47 am

    {Baghdad: Euphrates News} MP for citizen Parliamentary Bloc, an inch, said his bloc insists on voting on the election law and passed even though some of the blocs opposed it.
    He said an inch of the Euphrates News Agency {} on Thursday, "We are determined to vote on the election law, passed and that some political blocs opposed it."

    A parliamentary source has told {Euphrates News} today that "the parliamentary blocs agreed among themselves on all the articles of the electoral law, with the exception of Article {23} of the Iraqi constitution and elections in Kirkuk."

    The Kurdistan Alliance MP Khalid Shwani had been stabbed in front of the Federal Supreme Court Article 23 and demanded cancellation, describing it as has blocked the citizens of the province of Kirkuk from exercising their political rights to choose their representatives to the provincial council of the previous session and present, and demanded Huani ruling declared unconstitutional Article 23 of the Law No. 36 of 2008, and cancellation of the reasons mentioned, and compel the Electoral Commission to hold elections for the provincial council in Kirkuk.

    It is scheduled to vote on the House of Representatives during its meeting on Thursday to the election law after it has been postponed a vote on the evening of Wednesday, at the request of the Kurdistan Alliance, as the MP for the mass of citizens parliamentary Hassoun Fatlawi, that the Kurdistan Alliance request to postpone the hearing after receiving communication from Arbil about it, noting that the meeting of the heads of blocs managed to solve a lot of controversial issues on the law while there are other issues have not been agreed upon, including the mechanism of counting of the votes, Mishra that blocks the Iraqi List and a coalition of state law and the mass of citizens stressed that the be counting in reception centers while insisted the Liberal blocks and virtue, and the Kurdistan Alliance to be counting in polling stations and centers of receipt and is not to find a formula acceptable to all parties in this regard.

    It is scheduled to witness the month of May of next year, the next parliamentary elections after resolving differences existing between the forces and the political blocs on the electoral law and the mechanism of calculating the vote, and the system that will hopefully follow in terms of menus and constituencies. Ended

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    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Urgent citizen bloc insists on passing the election law, even if opposed by some of the blocks Empty Urgent parliamentary blocs vary from a new election law

    Post by chouchou Thu 03 Oct 2013, 6:49 am

    {Baghdad: Euphrates News} different parliamentary blocs in today's session on Thursday again among themselves on points of law upcoming parliamentary elections.
    [ltr]He said a parliamentary source told {Euphrates News} that "the parliamentary blocs differed among themselves again on the points of the election law, including the points agreed upon earlier They make Iraq a single constituency as well as the open-list system."

    It was one of the members of the House of Representatives may likely postpone the vote on the law of parliamentary elections in today's session to next Monday.

    A parliamentary source said from inside the parliament building to Euphrates News Agency {} today that "all parliamentary blocs agreed on the election law with the exception of materials Article {23} of the law for elections in Kirkuk and earned a great clamor about it between Kurdish deputies and deputies Kirkuk's Arabs."

    He pointed out that "it is unlikely to approve the election law in today's session and postponed to next Monday because of this article."

    The deputy head of the Kurdistan Alliance bloc in the House of Representatives Mohsen al-Sadoun has said in a statement that the decision of the Federal Court abolition of Article 23 of the Law on elections in Kirkuk was clear on the reverse of this paragraph. Ended 2

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